Who among us hasn’t envied a cat’s ability to ignore the cares of daily life

and to relax completely

Karen Brademeyer


Hi everyone, and a huge warm welcome to all the newbies that joined us recently.  Sincere apologies for the tardy arrival of this Mewsletter.  Best laid plans of mice and men ….  Casey has written about one of the reasons why I was unable to update the website, which you’ll see mentioned further down.  The other reason and probably just as scary (to me, at least), was that I had to uninstall Microsoft Office and reinstall it and in the process, I lost all my emails.  Took me several hours and a sleepless night to work out how to find them again!  I am a complete numpty when it comes to technical stuff!

I want to thank Joyce Briscoe for her very kind donation.  I emailed Joyce but I believe it was her old email address.  Joyce, please email again so that I’ll have your new address – thank you very much – you are very kind.

September is Happy Cat Month.  I don’t know who thinks up these ridiculous titles because as cat lovers, EVERY month is a happy cat month, in my humble opinion!  So: in what ways do you make your cat feel happy?  And in what ways does your cat make YOU feel happy?  Write and let me know!

Here’s a situation for you:  Casey has some matts down each side of his flanks which he will not let me try and detangle them.  He doesn’t like being groomed at all.  The most he’ll let me do is use a baby’s brush which is soft, which I then stroke down his entire body. This does accumulate a lot of superficial fur but the main area which needs work, are these awful matts.  I bought a matt detangler (which sounds like the name of an Italian heart throb – ‘Titanic’ starring Matt de Tangla!) the other day, and armed with treats, I tried for a few seconds to make a start.  He wouldn’t have it.  The tail began swishing furiously and then he turned to warn me off with a nip. 

He isn’t a long-haired cat.  He’s classed as a ‘Domestic shorthair’ but I know all cats benefit from some grooming.  It feels nice, and builds up the bond between cat and cat slave.  My question to you guys is: what can I do?  He isn’t neglected in any way, shape or form but these matts must hurt him or cause him discomfort.  Do you have any thoughts, ideas, or ingenious ways I could sort them out without the risk of losing fingers, a lot of blood and a day spent in A&E???       




Ceci is a very special little lady, living in Texas with her Dad, who fosters cats – many of whom have serious health problems.  Ceci is writing about two more cats that have joined their family.

More news


Last month’s Home Page message, written by Aoife McCann, Psalm 23 for Cats, is now in the A’mews’ment Arcade section:

Psalm 23 for Cats


It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Bilbo.  But he’s been busy doing this and that and looking after the house and his family.  Here’s the latest from him:

Fatal attraction or the flipside of love


Well done to Jared Kline in Belgium for getting all five out of five correct for the last Book Quiz.  This has been limping along without much interest (apart from Jared’s, for which, I’m very grateful) for many months.  I’ve taken the decision – after a team meeting with my right-pawed assistants, Casey and Gibbs – that we will let the Book Quiz die a natural death.  Here are the answers to the last quiz:

Book Quiz July


I had a piece published in a cat magazine a while back and ‘won’ a cat toy for my troubles.  See what Casey makes of his new toy.

A new toy – erm, what am I supposed to do with it?


Chav cat lives with Gabion Tzchugge and retired ex-stud muffin, Lord Reggie, both of whom have their own section in the Mewsers’ Mewsings section.  Not to be outdone, Chav cat now has her own section.  In this first article, she realises that if she’s to snare Lord Reggie – the object of her desire – she’s got to clean up her act and slim down.

Wake up call 


My thanks to Jena for sending me her picture of Dragon with the fan for July’s caption competition. Congratulations to Andrew Lane for his winning caption.  You can see all the entries here:

Caption Competition 67

My thanks to Mike Kolonel in Canada for his picture of Dreidl which I’m using for this month’s caption competition. 

Caption Competition 68

Please send your entries – no more than 5 please – to pauline@thedailymews.comby 20th September.  Thank you. 

If you have any pictures of your cats doing something funny or interesting, and they are clear, please send them to me and I’ll put them in future caption competitions.


Denver wrote his latest piece at the time of the General Election in the UK (back in June).  He’s been in the wars a bit as his article will tell you.

What’s this ‘ear then?


Moving to a new house is never easy at the best of times, but when you’re not only moving one spouse, a houseful of furniture and ‘stuff’, twelve cats and twelve dogs, (yes, really!!!) then the headaches begin.  Ed has written of his recent move to a new State, a journey which is a four-hour drive from his previous home.

The joys of relocating with lots of cats and dogs …


Gabion has been watching events unfold between Chav Cat and Reggie.

Another cat’s discomfort


I manged to get a photo of both Casey and Gibbs on my bed at the same time the other day.  This is an imagined conversation between the two of them.

It’s ours


Casey has been very busy this month.  He’s also written the home page message.  ‘If walls could talk’ …

Just go to www.thedailymews.com and scroll down a little way – you’ll see it.


It is always hard, when you’re on holiday and you see cats and kittens that look unwell, skinny, uncared for and you know there isn’t much you can do.  Fortunately, Jennifer has built up a huge number of contacts in Sicily who will step in when tourists report sick cats to her.  Here’s the latest in her Sicilian Rescue diaries:

Catsnip Case Book


In light of the tragedy that Hurricane Harvey wrought upon Texas, Houston in particular, I was reminded, again, that pets are often left behind.  Do you remember Hurricane Katrina’s devastation 12 years ago?  I’ve been sent a link about the power of adopting pets, rather than buying a ‘designer’ kitty or canine friend.

The ultimate guide to pet adoption

Arlene in the US sent me this fabulous link to a very special little kitty.

Miracle Kitten Cassidy

Thanks to Britta, in the US, who sent me the link to a nice little montage of hens having fun.  I disagree with people putting clothes on animals – and a few individuals have put bloomers or pants on a couple of the chickens – but some of the other pictures are sweet.

Hens just want to have fun

We all know that birds are very intelligent – especially parrots.  Here’s a short video showing just how smart one particular parrot is and what he’s prepared to do to get his treat.

Mailo, the smart parrot

Robert Blau in the US sent me this link.  Would you like this as you went to the bathroom??



Reggie has been mulling over his life at Tom Cat Towers since he retired from active duty as a stud cat.

Reggie’s Retirement


The Daily Mews subscribers have, in the past, been blessed to have discounted items from The Cat Gallery in York, UK for some time now.  Peter and Alison have a beautiful cat themed shop where you can buy items for your cats or cat themed items for yourself or a friend.  So, it is with great sadness that I write that Ethel, their once RSPCS rescue cat, sadly had to be put to sleep a few days ago.  At 21 years of age, she was a firm favourite in the store with customers.  Peter has written a very moving tribute to her and there is a link within his tribute to a You Tube tribute which is lovely.

Ethel – 1996 - 2017


Pip has bravely taken over Floot’s (the blue-eyed cat) column after her sudden death a couple of months ago.  A newcomer to the Wiles’ household, he’s just finding his paws and where he fits into the feline hierarchy.  He has a lot to say, and I’m sure he’ll become a firm favourite with Daily Mews readers.

Hi there!

And that wraps it up for another time.  Hopefully, illnesses permitting I will be with you at the end of this month.  If you have any stories about your own cats, do send them to me at the usual address.  Include good clear photos of them.

Take care and keep safe.

Love Pauline, Casey and Gibbs xxxxx




A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.