by Pauline Dewberry
Following on from my question in the October Mewsletter, I received a number of emails from people all over the world who had sightings of their cats and dogs who had passed away. These are called ‘After Death Connections’ or ADCs.
Margy Ohring, in the US, said that Lady Claire, a big fluffy black, green-eyed Turkish Angora, who is much missed, has visited on a number of occasions. Margy wrote a poem about Claire which I’ve put in the Purrfect Poetry section. She said that Divot who passed away in 2005 (who was her soul mate) is close by everyday, and has taught Josie all his mannerisms and behaviours.
Denise Bisaillon also in the US said that the night she had to have her cat Jackie put to sleep, he came back throughout the night to visit her, as did a neighbour’s cat, Tommy because he loved her as well.
Sue Fallon in the UK said: ‘When there are no other cats around when I am in bed I am visited by one of my cats. I have yet to work out which one, but I feel paws coming up the bed. There is no visual sighting just the very definite feel of furry feet walking up the bed, but when I look there is no one there. I have had visitations sometimes twenty-four hours or more after one has died almost as if to say they are fine and this is their last goodbye as they go off on their journey.‘
Barbara Moss, in the US, said that: ‘I do believe that all living things have souls. But I have not been visited by departed pets. Although one time when I had Lyme disease and a high fever I prayed and then saw my departed Mo's yellow striped tail hanging down in the corner of my field of vision and then the fever began to subside.’
Another great story comes from Darlene Snow in Canada, who writes: ‘I have a wonderful story to tell in regards to your story on pets and their passage into Heaven, I, for one am a firm believer that all living creatures go to Heaven when they pass. Many years ago, on Easter Sunday, 1996, our beloved lab/shepherd mix started having seizures without warning. We immediately took her to the emergency animal hospital and having put her through several neurological tests, we were told that she appeared to have a brain tumour and would forever experience uncontrollable seizures. They suggested we put her down that evening and went so far as to tell us that if we made the decision to keep her alive we would be doing it for us, and not for her. My husband and I were inconsolable. This wonderful girl had seen me through a marriage, a divorce and remarriage to a man who loved her as much as I did, if that's possible. We made the decision to put her down and end her suffering. We had a wonderful funeral service for her and laid her to rest in a beautiful pet cemetery surrounded by woods and creeks. At this point we still weren't convinced in our hearts that we made the right decision. Our heads told us it was right but our hearts were quite another matter. Anyway, about a week after she passed away, we were sitting in the living room watching television when we heard a sound coming from our bedroom across the hall. We both distinctly heard the sound of a large dog turning circles 3 times and then a sort of swooshing sound as she lay down. This was something Cissy had repeated every night when we went to bed. There was absolutely no doubt in our mind that our dear girl had come home to rest beside the bed one more time, as she had done for every night of her twelve years with us. That incident comforted us more than any words from well-meaning friends and family could have, because we knew that she was passing on to a fine place and just wanted to stop and say good-bye and let us know she was going to be alright and at peace. We also made peace, with our decision to let her go. What a glorious dog she was.’
Jamaka in the Mohave Desert had this to say: ‘And yes, I don't believe other animals have souls, I KNOW THEY DO. I have been present during the passing of many of my beloved ones over the years, and I have also been visited by many of them after they have gone on from here. Also, I spent my beloved Marley's final hours by her side, and I felt her soul leave her and go upward -- and, as I was kneeling over her at that moment, I felt it pass into me. I don't know if it went on through or not, but I'm not imagining or wishing anything, just stating the fact, that I felt it, and I know it is real. I am of another faith than most of your readers, but I know that the One Supreme Being Who created all life certainly does not differentiate between the quality of one soul or another based upon species -- all are loved, all are cherished, and all, I know, are eternal. If we really reason it out, how much more loved may be those whose love for the Creator is the purest and most devoted!’
Well put, Jamaka.
Laurie in Canada had this to say:
I have just read your Mewsletter, and wanted to tell you "one” of my stories about animals having souls. March 2006 I adopted a 17year old cat from our local SPCA. Her name was Cookie and had been surrender due to allergies. I thought about it for two weeks before I made the decision to adopt her. When I took her home I set her up in one of the spare bedrooms, because I already had 6 cats. Each morning I opened up the door to her room and greeted her with a cuddle, and in return she greeted me with a loud purr. She didn't venture out too far until one morning I noticed her in the doorway of my bedroom. She had found a sunbeam. And each morning after that she ventured further out of her comfort zone and further into the house. I would also greet her with a "good morning sunshine" and then sing to her "You are my sunshine".
Six months later I had to have Cookie put to sleep due to dental problems. It seemed so sudden; I had hoped to have Cookie around for a number of years, not just a few months. That night I was unable to go to bed, instead choosing to fall asleep watching tv. At some point in the night I woke up to someone singing ....."You are my sunshine" I couldn't believe it. I thought I was dreaming. For the next few days I wondered if had been dreaming, since I had never seen a commercial like that one before. But I also know that I have been "visited" by a beloved pet before, after having it put down.
I know for sure that Cookie came back to me to say "thank-you and I love you" one last time.
Like Lanie Blackmon who’s dog, Brandi, whispered in her ear one night, our pets do choose various ways to communicate with us that they’re all right, safe, well, and happy and if they were infirm in this life, then their bodies are made whole again – what a joyful thought.
Thank you to everyone who wrote – I very much appreciated it.
© Pauline Dewberry November 2007
To find out more about After Death Connections, Wendy M Tugby has written a book called 'Over The Rainbow Bridge'. You can read a review of this book in the Book and Product Review section of this website.
If you would like to contact Wendy with your own ADC experiences you can email her at RYNCHANON@NIGHTWING.FSBUSINESS.CO.UK. Or you can write to her at: Penlleinau, Blaencaron, Tregaron, Ceredigion, Wales, SY25 6HL.
To buy a copy of Wendy’s book you can visit her website at or write to her direct and she will send you a copy priced £9.95 plus postage and package.
"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...
A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."
Roger A Caras