Kitten Care

Many of us stumble into the world of caring for kittens and cats via family members and/or friends telling us about a kitten or kittens that need a home.  And many of us take that little bundle of fluff home without having a thing in place essential for his care and well-being.

Kitten Care is a section devoted to caring for kittens and will guide you through the process just as if you were planning for a new baby’s arrival!  If you follow these guidelines, you’ll have everything ready for when you bring your new kitten home and you’ll able to enjoy him from the very first second you sit down with him and cuddle up to him.

Display # 
Title Published Date Author
8 myths busted about kittens 11 March 2021 Written by Pauline
Counting the cost of keeping cats 28 November 2016 Written by Pauline
How to prepare your kitten for fireworks season 28 October 2016 Written by Pauline
How to keep your kitten smiling 04 October 2016 Written by Pauline
How to groom your kitten 30 August 2016 Written by Pauline
Socialising your kitten 07 July 2016 Written by Pauline
Making sure your kitten gets off to a healthy start in life 01 June 2016 Written by Pauline
You're going to get a new kitten? 24 April 2016 Written by Pauline

A Morning Kiss

A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.

Janet F Faure