Pet First Aid

This section - as part of the Feline Fitness section - will deal with specific situations. Headed up by Diana Sichta, she will write articles on an ad hoc basis. However, if you have a particular problem or query that you would like addressed, please contact the Daily Mews Office using the Contact Us link.

It is important to note that neither Diana nor I are veterinarians and if you are in any doubt about your cat's health, please seek medical treatment immediately.     

Display # 
Title Published Date Author
Introduction to Diana Sichta - Pet First Aid 01 February 2009 Written by Diana Sichta
Pet First Aid 02 February 2009 Written by Diana Sichta
Brushing with kitty 03 February 2009 Written by Diana Sichta
Keeping kitty safe in summer 12 July 2009 Written by Diana Sichta
Tips for a safe and happy Christmas 22 December 2009 Written by Diana Sichta
Disaster preparations for your pets 02 November 2010 Written by Diana Sichta
Outdoor safety 15 March 2013 Written by Diana Sichta
Cats and plants 26 April 2013 Written by Diana Sichta

A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.


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