Casey and Gibbs on my bedGibbs:    ‘Hey, Casey, you sure it’s ok to be on Mum’s bed, like this?’

Casey:   ‘Yea, of course, it’s ok.  It’s our bed.’

Gibbs:    ‘But what if she wants to sleep on it?’

Casey:   ‘She can go sleep on the sofa.  It’s no big deal.’

Gibbs:    ‘What if we’re on the sofa, what then?’

Casey:   ‘It’s our sofa.  We can go where we want to.’

Gibbs:    ‘But where will Mum go?’

Casey:   ‘Anywhere she likes.  Not our problem.’

Gibbs:    ‘What about the dining chairs? What if we’re sleeping on them?’

Casey:   ‘Not a problem, Gibbs.  They’re our chairs.  We sleep where we want.’

Gibbs:    ‘But what if she’s got ‘people’ over for dinner and we’re on the chairs?’

Casey:   ‘Like I said, Gibbs, not our problem.  Let them eat cake.’

Gibbs:    ‘Are you asleep, Casey?’

Casey:   ‘Not any more.’


A Morning Kiss

A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.

Janet F Faure