March 13th 2015, Monty, Claudia and Freddie, my 3 rescued kittens, turned 10 years old.  Hand rearing 3 tiny kittens from 1hr old was not an easy job. The moment I rescued them I just knew I had to save them.  They were so close to death.  Any longer in that plastic bag then they would have been.

They were bottle fed every 2hrs but amazingly in the night they never wanted feeding. The Vet told me that hand rearing 3 kittens from this young age had never been done before and she told me that one or at least all 3 could die.  I truly expected to wake up one morning to find one if not all dead. I carried on feeding and massaging their tummies so they could pooh and wee.  Any blockage at this stage would indeed be fatal. 

Two weeks passed and they were all still here.  Another check up at the Vets and she said they were all doing well, however, I was still to be prepared.  I was frantic with worry because now they were my little babies and if anything happened to them now I would be truly devastated. I was their true Mummy now.  They had known no other. 

The best thing that happened was one morning when I was doing the usual feed, and Monty opened his eyes. I cried with joy. He could now see his Mummy, albeit a bit blurry! Then the next day Freddie opened his eyes and Claudia followed later. In my heart I just knew they were going to be alright. I had nurtured them and loved them and they proved me right and survived. 

Life with them is just as wonderful as it was then.  They all have their own individual personalities.  Freddie is very sensitive and a gentle soul; he loves his squeaky mice.  Claudia loves her foil rolled into balls and chases them in the kitchen.  She is quite a drama queen too and hisses and spits when her brother Monty dabs her with his paws.  She dabs him back on the head and needless to say always wins the 'stand-off' leaving Monty quite shell-shocked!

Monty is a runner and races all over the house.  He loves his feather stick.  They have had lots of treats and toys on their special day even playing with the wrapping paper!

Their lives and antics inspired me to write the children’s book "Monty and his amazing adventures." 

From the day I found them they have been as good as gold. They are an absolute joy and I wouldn't have it any other way. My Vet praised me and said what a wonderful job I had done. I am so proud of my little ones as I still call them, they survived the odds. They are indeed my terrific trio!

I am a very proud Mummy indeed!

Debs Spencer

You can read Debs amazing story of the rescue here:


A Cats Purr

"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...

A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."

Roger A Caras

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