CAT FABLES by Vernon Coleman is a wonderful book containing 30 chapters, each chapter being an individual, stand-alone story about a cat, his Uprights, and a lesson learned.
All the stories, or fables, are very well thought out and at the end of each story is a ‘moral’; for example: ‘Saying ‘I don’t know’ is a sign of wisdom and strength – not a sign of stupidity and weakness.’ Taken from ‘The Wisdom of Fools’ page 94.
Vernon Coleman’s writings on cats are well observed, capturing the essence of each character, their fears, doubts, worries, and insecurities. He uses each story to tackle a particular scenario which we humans could well put into practice in our own lives.
Like Vernon’s other books, he has illustrated it with his famous ‘cat-oons’ which are simple line drawings but they hit the mark perfectly. I really loved this book and would recommend it to anyone who loves cats and wants to find out what makes them tick. It would make an ideal stocking filler as a Christmas present or a little something extra as a birthday treat for a feline loving enthusiast.
If you would like a taster of one of the stories, please click on the link below:
All Vernon Coleman’s books can be purchased directly from his website: