“If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering outspoken fellow; but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a word too much.” – Mark Twain
Hi everyone
This is the Scratching Post which is an ‘in between’ Mewsletter. There is less content but hopefully, it’s just as enjoyable.
We, here at the Daily Mews office, are facing uncertain times in the coming weeks which is why I needed to free up some time by writing less and concentrating more on what is just around the corner. I’m hoping that by the end of July we’ll be back to ‘normal’ – whatever ‘normal’ is – and you’ll receive the usual packed Mewsletter then. In the meantime, I hope you’ll bear with me if the Mewsletters and/or Scratching Posts are a bit haphazard.
Some of you have written to me and I’ve not been able to reply yet. I will when I can, but please accept my apologies if you’re one of the ones waiting for a reply.
In the meantime, Dr Casey has written about his recent experiences which have left him frazzled and in dire need of a holiday.
Jennifer Pulling’s column: ‘The Great Sicilian Cat Rescue’ is based on her book of the same name. I’ve just finished reading it and I’ve put the review on the Home Page as the Front Page Message this month. Please go to: www.thedailymews.comand scroll down a little bit – and you’ll see it. Do get a copy of the book because you’ll really love it.
Speaking of books, Squirt’s book: Reservoir Cats is on free promotion again at www.amazon.co.ukfrom 14th – 18th June. If you haven’t already read it, it really is a great treat. Squirt is a master story teller and suggests that you think of his voice sounding like Sir Sean Connery!
Here’s the link: http://viewBook.at/B00FPLEMTO
Squirt recently suffered a major head trauma and isn’t very well. Please keep him, and his human staff in your prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. We miss his sage advice and his regular columns.
Denver is taking this dieting lark quite seriously now and you can read his latest adventures in his bid to slim down.
Both Casey and Gibbs have been enthralled (possibly even hypnotised) by a magpie family that seems to have befriended them. Gibbs will tell you more:
My friend, James Colasanti Jr in the US, writes with love and warmth about his Italian upbringing and the dogs that have shared his life. Although this story was written for Christmas, I thought that it would bring cheer to us all, given the horrific events that have been happening in the UK – and in other parts of the world.
You will love this next little video of two cats deciding which of them was going to drink the bowl of milk:
If you haven’t already sharpened your brains for the caption competition, have a look at this month’s picture of Chav Cat showing her lady bits to an inquisitive Gabion. I’m sure you can come up with some really good captions:
As always, please send your answers to pauline@thedailymews.comby about 20th June. Thank you.
One last piece of brilliant news is that Taiwan has banned eating cat and dog meat. The petitions that were signed have obviously made a huge difference and now we’ve got to hope and pray that China and other countries that eat cat and dog meat will follow suit. Thank you to everyone who has signed petitions and written to their government representatives.
Well, on that wonderful piece of news, I’ll leave you for now. I’m sorry this Scratching Post is very late but I hope you understand the circumstances that I’m in at present.
Keep safe this summer, remember flea and wormers and if you have white cats or dogs, remember their sun protection. As always, I welcome feedback, good, bad or indifferent.
Take care
Pauline – editor in chief
Casey – frazzled assistant to the editor in chief
Gibbs – still hypnotised by the magpies
A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.
Janet F Faure