Casey's Chats

Casey has been writing odd bits and pieces when the mood takes him and he has something to say that he feels is worthwhile for a some time now.  However, just recently he casually left his list for Santa Paws on the table and I happened to take a glance.  There was one item underlined in red six times so I'm guessing he really wants this particular item.  It's a lap top because he wants to let his inner 'mews' have freedom of expression - whatever that might mean.   

Here then, at long last and by popular request, is Casey doing what he does best - chatting about this and that and the price of fish.


Display # 
Title Published Date Author
We've got our very own 'club house' 02 September 2016 Written by Casey with Mum's help
Cat-tiquette 02 August 2016 Written by Casey with Mum's help
I've had another birthday 03 July 2016 Written by Casey with Mum's help
I need a lie down 02 July 2016 Written by Casey with Mum's help
Trick or treat 20 May 2016 Written by Casey with Mum's help
Gibbs loses them dangly things and other exciting news 20 April 2016 Written by Casey with Mum's help
Tiaras and Tantrums 23 March 2016 Written by Casey with Mum's help
It doesn't get any better than this! 17 February 2016 Written by Casey with Mum's help
The Dawn of the Mackerel Tabbies 17 February 2016 Written by Pauline
Season of goodwill - pfft! 18 December 2015 Written by Casey (with Mum's help)

Dogs Come when Called

"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."

"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."

Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)