Hi everyone!

We have great news!  The repairs from the damage to our home, from Hurricane Harvey, are finally complete!  We’ve moved back into our home.  Dad still has a few things to move out of the RV and into the house, but it shouldn’t take much longer.  


My sister, Sweetie, and brothers Franklin and Little Man were initially a little freaked out by the “new” surroundings.  Sweetie ran out the front door at night, and Franklin and Little Man camped out in the smaller bathroom for a long time.  However, everyone seems to have settled in now.  

Our recent senior rescue, Gracie, is doing well.  She’s eating more and sleeping a lot too.  That’s expected, given her advanced age.  

We hope that everyone has a Happy Valentine’s Day.  Thank you very much for visiting, liking, and especially sharing my Facebook page.  We appreciate your consideration and support.

Till the next time,  


Scroll down for our pictures

Ceci has her own Facebook page which you can visit here: Ceci the blind kitten

You can also send her tweets on her Twitter page: @cecitheblindkitten 








Ceci and Sweetie








The GangSweetie, Franklin, Tamale, Little Man and Ceci

The Very Best Toy for Cats

"Of all the [cat] toys available, none is better designed than the owner himself. A large multipurpose plaything, its parts can be made to move in almost any direction. It comes completely assembled, and it makes a noise when you jump on it."

Stephen Baker