Napping on a Sunbeam


Napping on a Sunbeam conjures up a lovely picture of warmth and tranquillity. Just the place for a dearly beloved feline friend to spend their days once they’ve left their earthly home and family. with the death of our feline friends can be a traumatic experience, an experience that some never get over and they resolve never to get another cat. Others have to rush out the very next day to bring home a new cat – not to replace the one who has just passed away, but to them, their home feels empty without a feline presence.

For some, the grieving experience may be short, and for others, it may take a longer time. Rest assured that grief, like grieving for a human companion, will work itself out and the stages that we each go through on that journey will vary from person to person, depending on personality and character. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. You may cry inconsolably for many months, you may cry for a few minutes – it doesn’t mean you didn’t love your pet if you don’t cry at all – we all grieve in our own way.

These pages are to remember the feline companions who graced our lives and enriched them with their presence, and for whom our lives are the emptier by their absence – yet Heaven is the richer for their presence.

You can add your sentiments by contacting the Mews Team (see ‘Contact Us’ or the feedback form) and the memories of your feline friend will live on forever - on these pages. 

Display # 
Title Published Date Author
In Memory of the 'boys' -Yummy and Tigger: 1992-2009; 1992-2011 08 September 2011 Written by Ham Moran
Calo: 25-05-2011 08 September 2011 Written by Jamaka Petzak
Dinnah : 1988 (approx) - 08-09-2011 08 September 2011 Written by Rose Varga
E.T - a visit from Rainbow Bridge 08 September 2011 Written by Arlene Asphikas
Forever and Beyond - in Memory of Sweetums - 19 Years Of PurrrrrFect Love 08 September 2011 Written by Lady Cat
May the Blessings Be 30 August 2011 Written by Janette Marie Warren
Tom Kitten: 20th August 2010 18 August 2011 Written by Rachel
Lucy: 1998 - 5 February 2010 02 August 2011 Written by Arlene Sphikas
Billy Dewberry: 05-08-1996 – 30-05-2011 18 June 2011 Written by Pauline Dewberry
If it should be ... 18 June 2011 Written by Unknown
Remember our love 18 June 2011 Written by Julie Epp
I heard you: Martha 1990 - 2011 26 May 2011 Written by Joanne Townley
His star burns brightly 10 May 2011 Written by Shelley Madden
Losing Yoshie: Spring 2005 - October 2010 08 May 2011 Written by Linda Gavitt
Frankie Weiss -July 1997 - February 2011 01 March 2011 Written by Dan Weiss
Oswald: 22.07.87 - 14.06.02 30 January 2011 Written by Sue Fallon
General Patton - 29-01-2011 29 January 2011 Written by John Sterpe
Sid: 1990 - 2010 29 January 2011 Written by Doana Sichta
Sonic: 1991 - 2010 26 October 2010 Written by Sue Fallon
Dympy - 28-05-1999 - 5-10-2010 05 October 2010 Written by Sue Fallon

Five Good Reasons for Having Your Cat Neutered

  • Reduces fighting, injury and noise
  • Reduces spraying and smelling
  • Much less likely to wander and get lost
  • Safer from diseases like feline AIDS, mammary tumours and feline leukaemia
  • Reduces the number of unwanted kittens

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