I have to say this is one of the hardest things I have had to do, to try and sum up my little cat’s life. It’s hard for anyone who hasn’t loved a pet, either a cat or a dog, to understand just how much a little black and white cat could so entwine himself into my life.
I found Dizzy at the side of the road in 1994 on my way home from work. He was very thin and very poorly; I took him home and set him up in the spare bedroom where he slept in a bottom draw for the first night. The following day I took him to the vets and she prescribed him a cocktail of medicines to try to ease his many ailments. In the meantime, I put up various flyers to try to find his owners but no one ever came forward.
Once he was well it didn’t take long for me to realize Dizzy would be staying and for a very long time. Some cats seem to get along with everyone, but Dizzy was the kind of cat that just seemed to get along with me and from the first day I found him till the last day I held him as he went to sleep I can’t forget that.
Dizzy spent what seemed a lifetime with me through three house moves and one divorce. He always liked to spend time with me. I suppose that’s why I feel still such a loss and emptiness at losing him.
Its still hard after all this time to try and put into words how I feel about my friend, but one thing makes me feel a little happier is knowing that Diz had what I hope was a long and happy life with me and hope that he knows as I held him for the last time that I loved him so much.
Paul Ferguson
"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."
"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."
Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)