Just 5 simple 'rules' to ensure your cat is safe throughout the summer months ... 


Ollie basking in the sunIt’s a good idea to check your garden for plants that could prove toxic to cats if nibbled. See www.fabcats.org for a list of those to avoid. Lilies are the most toxic – contact your vet straight away if your cat may have ingested or brushed against a lily.


Bee and wasp stings are common in cats – stings in the mouth and/or throat can be really serious and immediate veterinary attention is required. Flies are another potential hazard; flystrike (when flies lay eggs in soiled fur or wounds/sores and the maggots bury into the flesh) can affect any animal and can be fatal. If you’re taking action against slugs, don’t forget to check the pellets won’t harm your cat – metaldehyde can prove fatal.


Remember to check your greenhouse or shed before shutting up for the day as cats can make themselves at home anywhere. And if you have a barbeque, make sure coals and racks are cooled after use or your cat could receive a nasty burn.


Garfield sunbathingSkin cancer affects cats too and pale-coated kitties and those with minimal hair on their ears, are most at risk. Encourage your cat into the shade between 11.00 am and 4.00pm in particular, and apply a babies’ sunblock (or one designed for pets) to his nose and ear tips throughout the day.


The number of air gun attacks on cats increases at this time of the year, so be vigilant. An air gun wound is about 5mm in diameter, almost perfectly circular, with a reddened edge. If you’re worried, contact your vet immediately. Also make sure your cat has ID secured to his safety collar and preferably is microchipped too. You might also want to consider enclosing your garden. 

Extracted from Your Cat magazine (July 2011 issue)

Ollie -top picture

Garfield - lower picture

A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.


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