Twice a day? Four times a day? Ad-lib? It’s all down to your cat, says Nicole Paley.
There is no firm rule on how often you should feed your cat, it’s completely individual and can depend on what works best for you and your cat. Age will play a factor; kittens for instance, need small meals regularly (about four or five a day). This can continue throughout adulthood if it works well for you, or you can make the transition to a different routine if circumstances necessitate.
Cats can be fed in a number of ways but it’s always best to try and accommodate individual preferences where possible. Here are some feeding options you can choose from:
Portion control is vital
Latest research reveals that around 50 per cent of UK pets are overweight, so portion control is vital. It’s a good idea to weigh out your cat’s food at the start of the day, following the guidelines on the packet. You can then apportion throughout the day according to your routine. Here are some tips for reading the packet’s feeding guideline:
Feeding the mind
Cats are born hunters and you can give their hunting skills a work-out by placing dry food dispensing toys with kibble inside around the house. Be careful not to feed your cat more than his total daily allowance, making sure you feed him less at mealtimes to compensate.
Scatter feeding also helps cats indulge their hunting behaviour. You can approach it as a game you can play together – scattering the food for your cat a few pieces at a time waiting for him to find them. Again, remember to take the portion out of the daily allowance.
Play the guessing game
Move bowls around the house to keep your cat guessing. It can help increase exercise levels too but remember food bowls need to be in a quiet place so he can eat in peace. Make sure the water bowl is in a separate area, as cats prefer not to eat and drink in the same spot.
Feeding tips
Nicole Paley is communications manager at the Pet Food Manufacturers Association.
This article appeared in the July 2013 issue of YOUR CAT magazine. YOUR CAT is available in newsagents and larger supermarkets. For more information, go to
Sue Parslow, the editor of YOUR CAT, kindly gave me permission to include this article on the website.
"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."
Roseanne Anderson