Imagine this old cat as a kitten
Bright eyes, alert & playful
Scampering thru the house
Without a care in the world
This old cat was loved

Snuggling up to her mistress
Whiskers safe in a warm palm
Motor purring, arm and tail as one
Without a care in the world
This old cat was loved.

Headbutts, kisses and eye hugs
Warm dishes of milk and plates of tuna
Little ways on special days
Without a care in the world
This old cat was loved.

Back of a hand strokes the face
Looking like no other lover
Cloudy eyes knowing without seeing
Without a care in the world
This old cat was loved.


Cold. Alone. Empty plates
Howling in the night she searches
Strange, rough hands tossed in a box
Without a care in the world
That this old cat was loved.

Imagine a heart breaking in heaven
Promises broken from a life she had given
Too busy in a brand new house
Without a care in the world
That this old cat was loved.

Cowered in a cold corner
Stainless steel in a bed of hell
Eager humans rush to pretty kittens
Without a care in the world
That this old cat was loved.

No tears are shed, they tried their best
No one wants an old, used cat
She purrs and pleads to ears unheard
Without a care in the world
That this old cat was loved.

© Rita Cockrell Wood

Founder of PurrEver Ranch 
(A Sanctuary For Senior Kittizens)



A Cats Purr

"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...

A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."

Roger A Caras

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