Hi Everyone
This is a MINI-Scratching Post so it will not be as long as the one I sent out on the 1st September. This just carries a few links and reminders to keep you ticking over until the Mewsletter which, hopefully, will be with you at the end of September.
Our own feline correspondent, Squirt, has a fantastic book out called:
Reservoir Cats: True Stories and Cat’s Eye Views from Squirt.
If you haven’t already downloaded this to your Kindle why ever not? It’s a hugely funny – nay, downright hilarious read and what’s more, it’ll FREE on Amazon from 21 – 25 September. Click on the link to get your FREE copy! NOW!!!
I believe that you can read it even if you don’t have a Kindle – I’m not sure how that works but give it a try.
You can follow Squirt on Twitter; @SquirtTheCat #SquirtTeamTiggy
Jem Vanston has just published a child-friendly version of his book ‘A Cat called Dog’ which is suitable for children and cat lovers of all ages. Go to his website:
www.vanston.co.uk for more information.
Barbara Florio Graham in the US has been ‘collecting’ fans for the Simon Teakettle fan club. See this link:
If you would like to be included, please write to Bobbi (Barbara) to tell her what your breed of cat is and where in the world you live. She has an astonishing 44 species in 24 countries on 6 continents! Looking at her website, the ‘species’ aren’t just cats; they are all sorts so if you have a ‘strange’ pet, give her a nod.
Laura who has her own section on the website (Cuddell Street Cats – under Humour) and her husband Gary, have got some exhibitions coming up so do check out their website for more information:
I have updated the guidelines for submission so if you’d like to write something for a particular section of the website, please check. If in doubt, just email me and we’ll talk it through.
Britta in the US sent me a link to an adorable little video of a mama cat nursing three little ducklings. I saw this on one of our television programmes recently about animal friendships; it was great to see it again and marvel at how amazing our kitties really are!
Mama kitty and her three fluffy ‘kittens’
Britta also sent me this link. Think your kitty sleeps all day?? Not according to this little video clip – they have CAREERS! Bet you didn’t know that!
Ham in the US sent me this link to a funny compilation video of cats doing weird things:
And also this one. Who said the age of chivalry is dead? Watch how this dog helps a cat in need:
Rachelle Torella from www.expertise.com wrote to me saying:
‘Here’s a link to our pet safety guide, which includes chapters on common household hazards for pets, food safety for pets, pet-proofing, and natural disaster prep for pet owners.’
This next link gave me goosebumps. My thanks to Kitty Chappell in the US for sending it to me.
You can still enter the BOOK QUIZ; I apologise (and have now amended) because one of the titles wasn’t complete and this was throwing you off the scent. My thanks to JK in Belgium for pointing that out to me!
The Caption Competition has yielded some great captions. If you haven’t seen it yet, or have never tried to caption a picture, have a go! It is fun.
The next Mewsletter will hopefully be with you towards the end of September. I’m flying off to Bulgaria for two weeks tomorrow and won’t be back until 24th. Casey saw my suitcase at the top of the stairs this morning and stopped dead in his tracks. He’s out in the garden now, mulling over what possible scenarios are about to unfold. No doubt, he’ll write something in his next column!
Told you this was short!
Till the next time, keep well, and safe
Love Pauline – Chief Editor and excited about holiday
Casey – Assistant Editor and worried about his future and will he get enough dinner and sweeties to survive two weeks without Mum – his Food Bowl Attendant