With J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros preparing to unleash a host of fantastical beasts onto the big screen and Harry Potter fans eagerly anticipating their arrival, we've been on the hunt for some remarkable and outlandish creatures that live among us in the world of Muggles.

By way of travel-style posters, vouchercloud reveal some of the weird and wonderful creatures found across the globe in order to tell you where you need to go to find them!

While most of the below creatures have almost other-worldly qualities, a select few are now a rare sight to behold, and it could take more than a little magic to keep their species alive.

The Hunter-Helping Honeyguide of Africa

The hunter-helping honeyguide of Africa

Scientific Name: Indicatoridae
Can be found: Africa

Our feathered friend the African Honeyguide has been found to have a mutualistic relationship with hunters in Mozambique. A study has confirmed that the honeyguide and hunters ‘talk’ to each other and that that birds “actively recruit appropriate human partners” in order to hunt out hives.

This kind of mutualist relationship between animal and human is extremely rare, whilst the honeyguide exploits the relationship in order to feed on leftover wax and bee grubs the hunters don't mind this as they are able to source the honey they are after.

The Scottish Wildcat of, er, Scotland

Scottish Wildcat

Scientific Name: Felis silvestris
Can be found in: Scottish Highlands

This fantastic feline is the last of Britain’s native cat species. It is around 25% bigger than a domestic cat with longer legs but it is not, as you might believe, an ancestor of your tabby at home.

Currently, these fantastic creatures are classed as critically endangered due to habitat loss and hunting - the Scottish Wildcat is now rarer than the tiger!

Over the last 100 years there has been some recovery in the wildcat’s population however much needs to be done to conserve this species. Find out what you can do to help at www.scottishwildcataction.org.

The Tree-Climbing Goats of Morocco

Tree climbing goat of Morocco

Scientific Name: Capra
Can be found: Morocco

If you ever find yourself in South-West Morocco you may find yourself saying these words, "Is that a tree full of goats?!".

Now, although Goats are found the world over, this sight is certainly one to behold. The tree-climbing goats of Morocco will go to extreme lengths to get their hoofs on some of the delicious nuts produced by the Argan Trees, which are native to Morocco.

Take a look at pictures of these talented, tree-climbings goats here.

The Brilliant Water-Walking Basilisk Lizard of Belize

Basilisk Lizard of Belize

Scientific Name: Basiliscus basiliscus

Can be found: Belize

The Basilisk Lizard is also known as 'the Jesus Christ lizard' due to its amazing ability to run on water. These lizards can be found in abundance in Central America however, due to habitat pollution, they are at risk.  Not only are they talented above the water, they are also fantastic swimmers  and can remain under water for up to 30 minutes.

Watch a video of this amazing feat here.

The Rare Irrawaddy Dolphin of Cambodia

Rare Irrawaddy Dolphin of Cambodia

Scientific Name:
Can be found: Cambodia

Under 100 Irrawaddy Dolphins are said to be left in the world and recent reports from WWF claim the population in Lao to be down by 50% in a year to just three dolphins making them “functionally extinct” in this area.

The protection of the Irrawaddy dolphin is crucial to the overall health of the Mekong river - which is over 1,000 strong in species of fish. They are also important for dolphin-watching ecotourism helping provide income for the local communities.

Find out what you can do to help at WWF.

The Mimicking Lyrebird of Australia

Mimicking Lyrebird of Australia

Scientific Name: Menura
Can be found in: Australia

Is it a car alarm? Is it a bell? No, it's the Lyrebird of Australia. As one of Australia’s most well-known birds, you can find the Lyrebird on the Ozzie 10 cent coin. It's famed for its ability to imitate other bird calls, as well as human sounds such as car alarms and bells.

According to Anastasia Dalziell, a behavioural ecologist from the Australian National University these songs are used by male Lyrebirds with a corresponding dance routine in order to impress female Lyrebirds. 

Check out the famed calls and fantastic dance rituals here.

If you wish to download our selection of lovely posters you can do so here and if you fancy tracking down some of the fantastic animals yourself, don't forget to check out our travel and accommodation offers to save money on your trip!


One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)

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