Cats Protection is the UK’s leading feline welfare charity.
What are we?
We are a rehoming organisation, made up of 29 Centres and over 260 voluntary-run Branches across the UK. The charity rehomes over 142,000 cats and kittens a year, encourages the neutering of all cats not required for breeding and also provides an information service to the public.
When did we start?
On 16 May 1927, a meeting of cat lovers was held in Caxton Hall, London at which, it was resolved ... 'that a society be formed to be devoted exclusively to promoting the interests of cats and that its name be The Cats Protection League'. We shortened this to Cats Protection back in 1998.
Where do we operate?
We have voluntary Branches in most areas of the UK, from the Shetland Isles in the North to Truro in the far South West.
Why do we do it?
Despite our success in rehoming many thousands of cats every year, it is still not enough. Typically, for every two cats in care there is another cat waiting to come in. We can have around 7,000 cats in our care at any one time.
How do we do it?
Without a doubt the lifeblood of Cats Protection is our army of unpaid volunteers, who between them carry out around 80% of our work. At present, we have around 6,000 unpaid volunteers all working to give cats a second chance in life.
How can you support our work?
Cats Protection’s work never stops and with a growing feline population, the charity’s services are more in demand than ever. To find out more about the benefits of adopting a cat, remembering us in your Will, becoming a volunteer or to make a donation towards the charity’s vital feline welfare work, please call Cats Protection’s Helpline on 08702 099 099 or visit
*Updated 24th October 2006. My thanks to Kate Bunting, PR Manager of Cats Protection for furnishing me with these details.
Special events:
Celebrity Paw Prints: Cat loving celebrities have kindly donated their ‘paw prints’ in a bid to raise money for Cats' Protection
Media Release: Frederick Warne teams up with Cats Protection to promote these animals across the country
Media Release: PC Tizer is a puss with a special job description
Wing Walking - The North Hertfordshire Branch of Cats' Protection
Media Release: First ever feline super-injunction?
Media Release: 'Randy' Victor is revealed on Twitter
Media Release: Bitten by a dog and dumped near a skip: the unwanted kitten in need of help
Media Release: Revealed: The true cost of keeping the cat population down
Sex Education for Cats Cartoon
Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.