Most people have heard about animal  communication - the ability to talk intuitively with animals. Some consider it unbelievable, while others think only gifted people can do it. As a biologist it was hard for me to believe it too, but when I did my own experiments in animal communication I found out the ability is real. I’ve taught thousands of people how to talk with their animals intuitively. I know that anyone can learn to do this. I teach you how in my new book, Ask Your Animal, which also explains how to use intuitive communication to correct bad behaviors or help your animals get along better.


Physicists studying how intuition works, postulate that we are all connected by a field of universal energy. Through our intention we can tap into this energy and then contact and communicate mentally from any distance with whomever we choose. The best way to understand this process is to try it.

The Talking Experiment

Talking to your animals intuitively is an easy experiment. For the next two weeks, act as if you believe that your animal can understand everything you say, the thoughts and images in your mind, and your feelings.  Talk out loud and explain to your animal how you are feeling, where you are going, and when you will be back. Tell your animal what you would like him or her to do, and ask for a sign that your animal is hearing you. By the end of two weeks, I am certain you will be convinced that your animal can hear and comprehend you intuitively. A student, Rebecca Trono, tried this with her dog Buster, who normally barked nonstop when people came to the house. Rebecca and her husband had invited guests for dinner and didn’t want to have to shut Buster away. Rebecca told Buster that she wanted to include him in the evening, explained how she wanted him to act, and sent him visualizations of the guests coming in and how fun it would be. She emphasized that barking would not be appropriate, but said he could give a couple of barks to signal their arrival. Once the guests came in, Buster was to be quiet. To finish she projected a feeling of the pride and love she would feel for Buster for being a good boy. Her husband just laughed and said, “Good luck!” When the guests arrived, Buster jumped up, greeted them, gave a casual sniff, and went to lie down in the living room. He didn’t bark once the whole evening. Rebecca’s husband said that if he hadn’t seen it for himself, he would never have believed it.

A client, Cheryl Paulus, tried this with her cats. Goldie wouldn’t eat while she was away, and Isis acted distant and unfriendly when Cheryl returned from a trip. Cheryl started talking to the cats to prepare them for her trips, explaining where she was going, why she had to go, who would be taking care of them, and how long she would be gone. While she was away, she checked in intuitively with each cat daily from a distance. First she closed her eyes and imagined them right in front of her, then she told them out loud what she was doing and when she would be back. As soon as she began these practices, Goldie started eating while she was away and Isis forgave her quickly upon her return.

Hearing Back is Trickier

Animals are constantly sending us messages that we don’t consciously perceive. When you think your dog needs water, and you find that the water bowl is empty, chances are your dog sent you that message intuitively. A message can be sent as an idea, an emotion, a physical feeling, a picture, a word, a phrase, a scenario (like a movie), a smell, or a taste. The main trick to being a good receiver is to take the first impressions that come in to you intuitively without trying to fix them or find something better. This sounds a lot easier than it is, but with practice you will master it.

Here is an example of how it works. A student, Carla Abernathy, had a feeling that her horse Star was upset. She asked Star what was wrong and then focused her attention inward. The first impression she became aware of was the idea that Star wanted an apology from Carla’s friend Kathy who was so frustrated with Star for not standing still for mounting, that she had called Star a stubborn, bull-headed pain in the butt. Both women apologized to Star. Then Carla asked Star what she needed to be able stand still at the mounting block. Carla received an image in her mind of Star standing on the grass and interpreted that to mean that Star wanted the mounting block moved from the concrete to the grass. Then Carla felt that Star was probably worried that someone would fall and hurt themselves on the concrete. Carla moved the mounting block to the grass and Star returned to her happy self. Star’s behavior was the proof for Carla that she had actually “heard” her horse talk to her.

Receiving Experiments

Here are two experiments you can try. Have a notebook and pen handy to record your results, and remember:  go with your very first impressions.

  • Think a compliment and mentally send it to your animal. Ask your animal if she or he has a message for you. Record your first impressions and accept them as coming from your animal.
  • Ask your animal out loud if he or she has a question for you. Take the first question you become aware of, assume it came from your animal, and answer it as best you can. If nothing comes in, say that you will ask another day. If you do get a question, keep asking and answering until your animal stops giving you questions.

Happy Communicating!

Marta Williams has a master’s degree in biology and worked for many years as a wildlife biologist and environmental scientist. The author of two other books, Beyond Words and Learning Their Language, Marta provides intuitive consultations for all types of animals, working with clients throughout the world by phone and email. She lives in Northern California and travels internationally to teach. Her website is

Based on the book Ask Your Animal.  Copyright Ó 2008 by Marta Williams. Reprinted with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA. or 800/972-6657 ext. 52.

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One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)

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