Oh wow, I'm going to be in a newspaper mum? I must be 'almost famous' then! I had no idea. Of course, mum tells me I'm very popular on social media and that people have read my columns here too, but important enough to be in a newspaper? (Runs off to grab mum's brush and lipstick).. one must look one's best you know.
So, the interviewer from the Times of Oman asked me lots of questions, of course starting with the usual one about my story. Well, you already know that, so let me skip to a few of the other questions you may not know about. I hope you enjoy finding out more about me.
Is Emily taking good care of you? And do you consider her your BFF?
Oh yes, she's definitely my BFF. She spoils me rotten, but so she should. I have so many toys, I keep forgetting which one is my favourite. I have lots of scratchers and cat trees and mum even ordered me a custom made cat tree from the US, which looks like a real tree. Even though it's 6ft 6", I can climb all the way to the top. I do like to climb... sometimes a bit too much says mum.
I love to sleep next to mum's pillow at night and to squeak at her incessantly to play when she's trying to watch TV. I also like to walk across her laptop at inopportune moments and it's a bonus if it shuts down or the screen goes funny. It did that once and I think it took her two days to fix it (winks). I also like to knock her iPhone off the bedside table at night - although I've yet to break it (I shall work on this). I love attention and hate to be bored, but mum gives me lots of attention and makes a complete fool of herself playing with me and entertaining me. Maybe I should install CCTV and post it on YouTube, then you could all have a good laugh!
Tell us about your fan base and their most frequently asked questions.
My first ever social media account was Instagram with my two sisfurs, Luna and Lily, and later on my new brother Cosmo. I started up my Twitter account last June and I now have over 6,000 followers. I just LOVE my Twitter buddies and we have great fun, posting the usual videos and pictures, but also going on virtual trips, pawtying together and we even send each other gifts and cards. I got 12 cards and 6 gifts from my friends in the US, Canada and the UK for Christmas and I've even had a few other gifts... just because! I think mum was a bit jealous about the Christmas cards by the way, she only got 3!
The most asked question is definitely "how do you get around?". But I just tell them to go to my YouTube channel and check out the video called "Ping Pong". I think it surprises a lot of fans; I get around just like a 'normal' cat and I've learned my mum's place by heart, so I never bump into things. Well, except when I'm having 'mad half hour' and rush around at top speed, bouncing and jumping at everything (including mum's ornaments, whoops!). Mum could also trick me by leaving something 'new' on the floor, but it doesn't take me more than once to learn it's there.
On Twitter I even acquired two 'beaus' last year and they send me Valentines requests. Now I must tell you, I'm a lady of principle and am only faithful to my beaus; Basil from the UK and Otis from Canada. So, despite a few requests, I shall only be their Valentine. Being only three years old, I'd never had a Valentine before and was so happy and excited.
I got to know about your merchandise and that it is being sold overseas. How do you spend your fortune and how can I purchase them?
I have an online store set up on my website: www.moetblindcat.com and humans can pay with a credit/debit card or PayPal. I have so far had around 14 orders, not only from Oman, but also in the US, Canada, UK and France. I'm super-excited that my merchandise is being seen overseas! At the moment I'm not making much, if any, profit out of the sales, but if it picks up, then I will do and I will be donating any profits to help needy animals in Oman. Who knows, if I become a superstar, I mean supercat, one day, I will have enough to build an animal shelter too.
What is the most difficult thing about being a celebrity?
Wow, a celebrity? Me?! Mum says I'm just 'little Moet' (or Mo-Mo, my nickname). I must make a note to tell her I need my own boudoir and more staff. And more treats. Honestly, getting fresh chicken around here ought to be an everyday occurence, but at the moment it's only twice a week.
It's also rather hard to keep up with my fans on social media. It takes a lot of time and my mum really MUST get a decent camera to capture my 'good' side. One must look one's best you know.
I haven't yet been invited to do photoshoots or any 'appearances' but I shall be ready when the offers flood in (preens fluff in preparation).
Why did social media fall in love with Moet?
I think it's because I'm a total character as well as being blind. I also do the craziest things at times, which you can see from my Twitter photos. Mum tells me I'm rather cute too, but hey, I'm not vain and I never look in the mirror! I also make sure to interact with my friends and fans as much as possible and although I have a few 'closer' friends on social media, I like to reach out to all. I like to make people smile and laugh as well as offer them a friendly paw.
What about you future plans? Will you go back to being a 'normal' cat someday?
Me, normal? Never! I'm a one-of-a-kind crazy character who is happy, happy, happy and loves everybody. I shall maybe work on my diva status a little, but I reckon I could never be 'normal'.
And so concluded my interview. I know many people in Oman and on my social media shared the fun with me on the day and although I tried to be a complete diva for the day, my mum always brings me back down to earth!
Website: www.moetblindcat.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/moetblindcat
Twitter: @MoetBlindCat
Instagram: @MoetBlindCat (previously she was under @4Muscats, which has more followers)
Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Qz3jAgQRi10D6ACZzRONg
A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.
Janet F Faure