Angela and DumptyOnce again, Christmas is upon us. I was expecting the same old, same old in the present department. Catnip mice, catnip toys, catnip plants, catnip grass … catnip ad infinitum. Christmas stockings with weird things in that I’ll never play with, such as a plastic ball with a bell in it that I will just bat right under the sofa hopefully never to be seen again. Cat food (yawnsville). Cat kibbles (how original). Catnip choccy drops which I’ll never eat. Fluffy toys to add to my collection already gathering dust. Or, a present I had one year, a bag of cat grit – booooring!!

This year Santa Paws has (thankfully!) surpassed himself on two accounts. Firstly, he was early, a good week early. Clearly, he couldn’t wait for Christmas Eve. Either he was having a practice run, or as I suspect, I had been exceptionally good.

Santa Paws bought me a selection of rather posh pottery. It’s rather nifty really as I now have ‘afternoon tea’ in between by lunch and dinner.  Maid tips a portion of my favourite kibbles from the pot into the little dish for me to nibble on. It’s perfect! I love it!!

It’s porcelain, rather dainty really. It’s a design called Angela by Wedgwood. Clearly Santa has fabulous taste. It appears he purchased it from a fine purveyor of good things called ‘car boot’ which is where most of the things at Tom Cat Towers seem to be purchased from. Or from a place called ‘REDUCED’ which is on most of the yellow stickers on bits and bobs Maid purchases.

Angela and DumptyIt now resides in our bedroom. So, when I am stretched out reclining on my designer duvet admiring myself in the wardrobe mirrors and have the mid-afternoon munchies, maid just tops up my dish and shoves it under my snout for me to have a pick at. The pot sits on the bedside table which is rather handy as Maid can just keep the dish filled up at all times of the day and night so I don’t have to jump down from the bed and pad into the kitchen to dine with Chav Cat. I simply do not eat off cracked old plates put down onto the floor like Chav Cat does, sooo common!

I am well pleased!! First time I have ever had a practical present!

Well done Santa, and when both the dish and the pot are full of kibbles…. My cup runneth over.

Dumpty Roo
Tom Cat Towers


One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)

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