The smallest feline is a Masterpiece.   Leonardo Da Vinci

All of us go through our lives
Gazing upon millions of faces
Some are mere passing glances
Some leave indelible traces

Three of my rescued kittens
Have now sadly left our home
Their faces are etched in my soul
No matter where on earth they may roam


Mary the most gentle of all creatures
Now resides with a gentle little child
I hope they bring each other comfort
Through life’s ups and downs and miles

Rose and Runt have also found a home
With a lonely compassionate man
I hope the three of them share friendship
For as long as they possibly can

Groucho still remains with us
And he probably always will
Just gazing upon his sage face
Brings my heart and soul a thrill

Slasher remains my favourite
His face is such a joy to behold
He’s a dashing colourful character
With a zest for life most bold

All of us go through our lives
Gazing upon millions of faces
Some are mere passing glances
But some leave indelible traces

Be sure to check out Ed's websites.

A Cats Purr

"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...

A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."

Roger A Caras

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