“In a cat’s eyes, All things belong to cats.”

An English Proverb


Dogs love trucks
But cats love trees
Every year, I laugh
My wife gets peeved


No matter what she tries to do
Up on that tree, they will go
She stands there, quite irate
As I shout out, “Ho, Ho, Ho!”

“They think that it’s their playhouse,
Now, don’t you think that’s sweet?”
My wife then gives me ‘That Look’
And then, I make a very hasty retreat

She scolds them and she warns them
She tells them to be ‘good kitty cats’
And, as soon as she leaves the room
They’re back up on that tree, in a flash

I now tell her to hide ‘the good ornaments’
And not to put strips of garland on the tree
She looks at me as if I’m a complete moron
And says, “Just leave the decorating, to me!”

And each and every day, until Christmas Day
I chuckle and I laugh, as I hear her shout out
“Get in here now, and look at what they’ve done,
These are your naughty felines, without a doubt!”

To my wife’s utter Holiday horror and torment
Our lovable canines, soon team up with our cats
Now, when the felines knock something off the tree
One of our dogs soon races away with it, just like that

“Ho, Ho, Ho!”I shout as they grab some garland
And they make a game of it, chasing it down the hall
“This isn’t funny at all, Mister! You better do something,
While I go shopping for Christmas gifts over at the mall.”

“Uh, Sweetie, don’t forget to get the pets some more ornaments!”
But it appears, she’s giving me the Silent Treatment, once more.


by Ed Kostro



A Morning Kiss

A morning kiss, a discreet touch of his nose landing somewhere on the middle of my face.
Because his long white whiskers tickled, I began every day laughing.

Janet F Faure

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