AngelaI have two indoor only cats. Angela is our white, blue-eyed one who sleeps most of the day. It might be due to the fact she is 13 years old.

OscarOscar is our tuxedo cat who came to us by way of our son, who had adopted him but couldn't keep him. He is now ten years old and also has a large appetite. He is up to 20 pounds as he eats the food of his sister when she doesn't finish it. I've tried to monitor the situation, but he is a clever cat who can gorge on food.

I also have an outside cat that became ours when the neighbour moved and left Brownie (a tortie) for us. She is such a sweet cat but is a free spirit and will not come in but stays on our patio and roams the neighbourhood. She is about ten years old and seems to be in good health. We regularly give her a flea treatment to ensure she is comfortable.

My husband never owned an animal before we got Angela and then Oscar. He views our kitties as his friends and even his fur babies. They do provide lots of enjoyment. I do all the litter boxes and try to keep the fur and tracked litter cleaned up. They are worth their weight in gold as far as we are concerned. Thanks for reading this bio of our family and our kitties. 

Kathy Scott


In the Middle of a World...

"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."

Roseanne Anderson