About one year into the fostering dad decided we needed a new permanent resident here and so Spicy was adopted from the rescue they were working with.
Life is good here at the Haven. We have plenty of food, warmth and love! Dad builds things for us now and then. He built our #CatWall for us 2 years ago with shelves, carpet and scratching posts!! Before that he built us a little hammock thing for Spicy (who still loves it)! This last spring he built us an outdoor #Catzebo! Digi, BB and Spicy (the outdoor loving residents) love it! We also have a #KittyChariot that dad takes us for walks around the neighborhood in. Dad’s actually made a #KittyChariot from a Red Flyer wagon and chicken wire before pet strollers were even available. Our current stroller (#KittyChariot) is over 10 years old and needs a replacement!!
Our name was given to us by the former head of the rescue the staff works with. They staff liked it and so it’s stuck. We are a refuge from the evils and hardships of the world, thus Haven!! We have taken 27 cats since staff started fostering and continuing on. Fostering is a wonderful way to be help to help and impact more cats than they would otherwise be able to do.
Digi is currently our oldest permanent resident and the matriarch of the family at 14 years old. She is not too active, but does play at times with string and her catnip dynamite stick! She likes being outdoors either in the #Catzebo, #KittyStroller or on her harness and leash. She insists being in the bathroom when dad or mom takes a shower. She was adopted by staff at 8 weeks of age.
Lexi is our next oldest at 8 years old. She is part Maine Coon and has a partially blind left eye from a trauma as a kitten (before staff adopted her). Lexi is an indoor kitty, outside she cries her head off until brought back in. She does love to sit in the window sill and watch things outdoors. If she were to find the front door open, she would sit there and cry for someone to close it!! LOL! Her and Licorice are best buddies spending much of their time together.
BB is the next oldest at 8 years also; she is just a month younger than Lexi. BB is daddy’s girl through and through which makes mum very upset sometimes!! LOL! BB is the heavyweight of the family but her weight is a closely guarded secret! She loves the outdoors! If daddy takes someone out without her, she sits in the window and cries her protest against it! BB often sleeps with dad at night (he likes the kitties sleeping with him) even on the hot summer nights.
Licorice is next oldest at 6 years old. He also has trauma in his right eye from sometime before staff adopted him as a kitten. Licorice is an all black cat and has a bit of attitude to go with it at times. He can be a bit grumpy sometimes, but never with Lexi! She can do anything to him and he is okay with it! He often stays inside with Lexi because of this while everyone else is outside!
Last but not least is Spicy; at 4 years old he is the youngest of the permanent residents here. But by no means the least! He is the talker and loves attention!! He loves to play with ball, strings and spring toys. He is the default resident voice of our twitter account (@kittyhavenny). He LOVES being outside and wants to go every possible chance!!
We currently have two fosters here. Bobbie is the oldest at 2 years of age. She is shy, but a perfectly gentle Calico bobtail kitty! She gets along with everyone, but is not buddy buddy with anyone either. She’s pretty quiet except around mealtime!!
Prince is about a year old and came to us after being rescued from a family that moved and couldn't take him as a young kitten (he was about 5 months when he came here). He was extremely shy and fearful when he arrived, but is much better now. Staff now has a reputation for working with shy / timid / semi-feral cats, so we get a lot of them now.
We will meow with you on twitter (@kittyhavenny) or check out our pictures on Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/blackice713/)!!
Todd Parker
PS: Since this article was written in early September, Prince has now found his forever home where he is deeply loved. A new cat - Rocky - is now being fostered until he, too, finds his forever home. If you can help Todd with rehoming any of his foster cats, contact him on his Twitter account