
Tall Tales and Lost Lives!November 2005, and a huge bucket list tick!  My cat book, ‘Tall Tales and Lost Lives’ was published. It was on sale in bookshops but would never made the New York Top Ten. However, I was soooo proud.

One of the first reviews was by a website called The Daily Mews. It was a lovely review, and being a polite, old-fashioned sort of a girl, I wrote to say ‘Thank You’ … and that led to an incredible friendship.

Pauline and The Mewsers who ran the website, wrote back and asked if I would like to write for TDM?  I jumped at the chance as it looked such a marvellous source of sound information, advice … and feline fun! Over the years I have been so chuffed to see my humble rattlings appear on the website.

Pauline is more than an Editor, (who corrects my appalling grammar!) She has become an exceptional friend who has been there to share sheer delight when a new cat has been parachuted into Tom Cat Towers where I live, and also been there with support and the right words when I have lost my mogsters over the years and broken my heart in floods of tears.

I have eagerly looked forward to each Mewsletter, reading different writers’ experiences and articles, even reading them aloud to my moggers!   It has been with great pride that my articles have appeared in various editions. A couple of my own mogsters over the years have also contributed their thoughts and adventures.

Carol and TushtotsBut it’s not just the TDM. Pauline has also been there for my personal life, with sage advice, mentoring, a good kick up the bum when I’ve needed it, support, laughter, and we have also tackled a couple of writing projects aside from TDM, which has led to various debates, discussions, and a lot of giggles! Pauline is a dream team partner to write with, and for.

Over the years, along with all the other writers and contributors, it is apparent that I am part of a very unique, much loved, and very well-respected website and Mewsletter. In fact, the writers, contributors, readers, and their cats are really just a very large and very lovely global family that I am honoured and privileged to have been invited to join and enjoy.

So I take my hat off to Pauline and The Daily Mews. It is a very unique diamond sparkle which makes the world a brighter place.

 I was so excited for her when it was voted third best cat website IN THE WORLD! This was a very well-deserved accolade.

This very special anniversary of TDM is a huge achievement and many, many congratulations go to Pauline for all the hard work putting it together and keeping it together over the years.

And I am delighted beyond words that Pauline has been an incredibly wonderful friend over the years and look forward to many more editions of TDM.

Carol Lake, Stafford




Five Good Reasons for Having Your Cat Neutered

  • Reduces fighting, injury and noise
  • Reduces spraying and smelling
  • Much less likely to wander and get lost
  • Safer from diseases like feline AIDS, mammary tumours and feline leukaemia
  • Reduces the number of unwanted kittens