Hi Stormy here,

March and April have been busy for me. I know (hope) that spring and summer are on the way.

Ham brought in another popcorn bowl of snow for us. I love it. Not as much as Tristan, who goes crazy for snow or a big bowl of ice cubes at the motel-hotel when we are on the road. But usually we see dandelions and birdies in the patio, not 2 feet of snow. We have had 10 inches of snow here since April Fool’s Day. It sure fooled us. Some cities in South Dakota got over 20 inches in one day and then it snowed again before they could clear it up.

Enough of snow.

I decided I would post pictures and videos on my Facebook page, (stormyhere@facebook.com ) since it is just too much for the Daily Mews to have puurrsons viewing my videos. 

Even though I was born in a “storm sewer”, I have class. I went to the “Miss Manners” eti-Cat-te school for proper manners. Now most of you my friends are just like Tweetie and Tristan, (see my video at Stormy Here @ facebook.com of my dainty paw eating and Tristan plowing in) and bury your faces in the dish-bowl-can or whatever and chow down.

Now I have been dignified! I sit very proper and only eat with one paw and claw. A piece at a time, tuna is fine, crab and scallops are divine. Shrimp is ok and so is paté. But liver delivers. Hard treats I have to eat like all of you, so ho-hum. Now soft food, I stick my long middle claw in the big pieces and daintily eat them. [I eat like they do in India, the near-east, east and all over with their paws]; the smaller and softer delicate wonders with my entire paw (humans use their hands). I also lick the wet juices off my toes, so yummy.

Did you notice I am a southpaw? They say it is a North American boxing or baseball term. But humans don’t have paws! And I do. I am proud to be a “southpaw” (lefty). Now Tristan he uses mostly his right and follows with his left. Tweetie is ambidextrous.  What about all of you?

I would love to know what %%%%%%% of you are southpaws, right paws and ambidextrous. I asked Daily M’s Ollie if he knows but he didn’t. He asked Sam, who going to check out this little known fact with the GURU Pauline. 

(SAY --- Ollie said when I ‘cat-ted’ with him that they have a new guy living with them and he is very social. I like three. Two is few and four is more!)

Did any of you go to “Miss Manners” school of eti-Cat-te and learn to eat dignified and proper with your paws? Please let me or better yet, let Pauline at the Daily Mews know, OK.

Enough for now.

Hope the weather is great where you live. And spring (north-earth) & fall (south-earth) is wonderful.

I’ve got to go now. I’m watching Tweetie knead with all four paws a neck pillow of KEYS’. I will video and post next time. It’s a yowler, so funny silly haha-ish

BASTET’s best to one and all and be sure to keep your flea and tick medicine up to date. I hate the drop on my neck, but I hate fleas worse.

Ta Ta,


A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.


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