Moet's Mewsings


Moet is a very special cat and we, here at the Daily Mews Head Office, are absolutely delighted to welcome Moet to our ever-growing band of cat correspondents.  Where would we be without our wonderful feline friends with their view of life, love and the price of fish!

Moet lives in Oman with her ‘sistfurs’ Luna and Lily and her 'brofur' Cosmo.  You’re going to love hearing about her life and her ‘Mewsings’.

You can contact Moet on her Twitter account: @Moetblindcat

And here on her Facebook account:

You can also follow Moet on Instagram: @moetblindcat

And on YouTube:

She also has her own website:


Display # 
Title Published Date Author
I'm dreaming of my special Valentine's 10 February 2016 Written by Moet with Mum's help
Dear Santa Paws 16 December 2015 Written by Moet with help from Mum
A brush a day .... 28 November 2015 Written by Moet with help from Mum
And for my next trick .... 24 October 2015 Written by Moet with help from Mum
Where's my Mum? 23 August 2015 Written by Moet with help from Mum

The Very Best Toy for Cats

"Of all the [cat] toys available, none is better designed than the owner himself. A large multipurpose plaything, its parts can be made to move in almost any direction. It comes completely assembled, and it makes a noise when you jump on it."

Stephen Baker