What would winter be like without Christmas? We can’t change the weather, even though Governments are doing, and we can’t instantly stop the insane stuff going off all around us, but we can brighten things up a bit!

We know the message of Christ could be derailed by people stabbing each other to buy electrical goods on Black Friday and ‘troll’ each other on Cyber Monday, but Wonderful Wednesday [the 25th] is all about peace on earth and love for all sentient beings.

There is a dark side to everything in our current ‘reality’ but what is dark? The absence of light!

We live in a place which shines, and has shined light everywhere. Malvern was a small hamlet until the Victorians developed it around the water cure. Great Malvern is one of the finest small stations in Britain. The water here drips through many layers of rock and is purity itself. You can get it free from a number of spas. It’s no coincidence that the town has one of the lowest UK rates of childhood tooth decay.

Daisy sits on the fence for hours. Her pond on the other side has become a little overgrown, but the local conservators will put weevils [which have de-weeded many other ponds] in it in the Spring. No harmful chemicals required.

The photo is the view from our front window. To the right of the photo are the hills, which if you read last month’s piece you will know inspired many famous people. The energies here are truly wonderful.

Milo would have loved it here. She never really got on with me and the others until near the end, but I know my keepers still miss her. The great things is that so many ‘moggies’ look like her. I know they don’t have her personality, but it evokes mostly good feelings in those who feed me. Perhaps the spirit of Milo lives in the hills, because my male keeper tries to go hill walking at least once every week, and the hardest working ‘conservators’ are the local sheep and cows. 

I’ve said it a hundred times, and I’ll say it again, you can’t heal anything until you acknowledge there is something to heal. And this planet needs healing from greed, cruelty, war, indifference, bankers and politicians. More and more of you are waking up to this fact.

I wish I could make you feel better by predicting things will get better. But I don’t run a newspaper and I’m not on Osborne’s payroll. And what is better? A bigger TV screen or a loving circle of family, friends and cats? However, remember this. Every day billions of people and sentient beings show love for their family, other people and fellow creatures. Every ill we all experience on earth is man-made. We can change everything. We have free energy. Cures for almost every illness. Enough money and resources to feed everyone on the planet, and give them a decent life.

Despite the stuff thrown at us, we can still awake with a sense of optimism, for without hope there is none.

For those who despair when you consider the worse aspects of human stupidity, realise that help is coming from worlds unseen. We have to do our bit, and we cats show you the way with the love you get from us. The world is not like the distorted and distracted one show on your TV’s [which you should switch off], but is a world of beauty and compassion.

Forget the debate over whether Jesus was a real bloke [I know he was], and just for today let go of the controversy about Mandela. Whatever he was, whatever the ‘truth’ is, forgiveness, truth and reconciliation, peace and love are values of a new world.

And what was that old line, ‘the darkest hour is just before dawn’? I’ll continue to wake you up and satirise your insane world [Lord of the Claws Part 2 due out in January] but I remain an eternal optimist. Please celebrate this wonderful time of year, when you give yourself permission to appreciate and help each other. All you need now is to do it for the rest of your lives.

And it will happen!


Different, new and inspiring gifts, mostly inspired by Diana in the world of spirit  can be found here. You can also buy cat CD’s Purrfect Symphony and Relax With Cats.




PS If you get down about the weather, look at Holly hiding in a shrub in the summer….



A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.


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