Feeling a bit better today, although I didn't have the energy or strength to leave my designer duvet, so I lay stretched out taking advantage of as much space on the bed as I could. Maid got up early and went to the place called work so I rolled over and snoozled the day away on the warm spot she had vacated, I don’t think she has fleas or anything so I think my pelt is free from infestation of bugs from humans.
Evil Sydney came into the garden. He seemed quite agitated; normally he just sits and stares in the window at me, hearts coming out of his head as he declares undying tom cat love for the imperial object of his desire … me. There was a lot of activity over the road at his house, all his furniture was being loaded onto a van. Later Evil Sydney was called back from my garden, taken from his house in his cat basket and out into the van and then he was driven away. I suspect that he has gone to the cattery for a couple of weeks.
Thankfully, as a low life cat he does not go to the same luxury cattery as I attend, ‘The Cats Whiskers Luxury Spa and Retreat for Upper Class Felines’. I was puzzled as to why the entire contents of his house had to go with him. If I’m luck y I get a grubby old jumper of Maid’s to ‘keep me company’ whilst I take my annual rest and recuperation in the spa that is the Cat’s Whiskers establishment. When I am booked into ‘The Cats Whiskers Luxury Spa and Retreat for Upper Class Felines’ all arrangements are catered for as befitting my status. A royal visit by a human could not be bettered organised.
Sarah, the hostess has all my favourite foods in stock for me and my beauty treatments are booked in advance as I am groomed to perfection, I have at least one spa treatment a day.
When Maid came home in the evening I was given one of my beauty pills.
Maid hid them in a handful of kibbles, but I knew what she was doing. The Gingie-crew aren't given beauty treatments, clearly they would be wasted on them.
Maid’s version!
Today Sydney and his owner moved house. He is going to a new house where there are fields with mice and rabbits for him to chase. I shall miss him as he was such a beautiful cat with such a sad face. He was almost an old mousing officer, retired; a proper old gentleman of a cat. It was really as if he had fallen in love with Little Dumpty Roo as he was always sitting in our garden just looking in at her. If I went outside, he would, in a very dignified manner, get creakily up and march away, whiskers to attention, tail erect. When he wasn't doing that he was to be found fast asleep on the catnip bush or tucked up under the tree with Willi Whizkas as they both had a snooze.
The vet's treatment is working and Madam is getting over her cystitis.
"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."
"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."
Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)