I graciously allowed Maid the day off duties as I slunk off to hide myself away for a twelve hour beauty top up snoozle.

She spent the day clearing out the shed at the bottom of the garden. I only knew this when I emerged from my hiding place and was gathered up along with the Gingie-Crew and deposited in the shed. There was a carpet on the floor, similar to that in my bedroom. There were two comfy chairs and a drum which was used as a table. When it went dark a light came on and candles were lit as we all sat in there.

Maid, as usual, was indulging in that red wine stuff. We were given snacks which were nice; I do like a good crunch on kibbles. It was then that the penny dropped. It would appear that Maid is downsizing.  I assume she must be thinking of moving into the shed in order to give me more space in the house. Naturally, I will not stand in the way of her plans. After all it is only to be expected. Humans can be quite noisy and intrusive. It will be good to have the house to oneself. I only hope that Gingie-crew move into the shed with her. Mikey-mike can go there too, they will all just about squeeze in.

I sat with the Maid and Gingie-crew for a while whist they had their shed-warming drinks, then left them to it as I enjoyed the peace and quiet of the house all to myself. No television blaring away. Heaven!

I cannot wait for them all to move out. Why on earth hadn’t they thought of this before?

Maid’s version!

Lousy summer. So cleared the shed out which was just full of junk and doing nothing. Then I placed some chairs in there so we can sit in the evenings when it’s raining and watch the garden. It’s been christened it ‘The Wilderness Cabin’ and I intend to use it during summer evenings. I know Wills and Dippi will join in, mainly in the off-chance of scrounging tidbits. It would be nice if Madam joined us too, but somehow I think that the great outdoors is something she simply won’t do! Madam wasn’t too impressed, but she begrudgingly sat with us for an hour, only because kibbles were on offer, before slinking back up the garden and back to her bed.


One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)

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