Some days are grumpy days, I don’t know what brings it on but a black mood just descends upon me and everything just irritates me. When I have a day like this I simply cannot lift my spirits, and quite frankly, I just don’t care.

Today was such a day, Maid could do no right and I criticized her every move. Sometimes I think she does it to annoy me. My crystal bowl of kibbles was not placed on the duvet at the right angle, the water and bowl of fresh catnip flowers were plonked down the wrong way round on my buffet bar on my designer duvet. Lunch was a minute late, then to top it all one of my favourite whiskers fell out onto the carpet.

I was absolutely livid. I decided that the only way forward was to have a breakdown behind the bed in the back room. I took myself off there to have a good sleep and reflect upon my choice of Maid and whether she comes with any sort of guarantee which will allow me to send her back, swop her, or more preferably, upgrade her. Although I suspect that by now she is well past her sell by date.

I had not been behind the bed for more than ten minutes when my peace and quiet was disturbed. Maid opened a drawer in the side of the bed and took out some bedding. I was a little curious and crawled into the drawer for an investigation; I hadn’t been in this drawer before. It was rather comfy with sheets and old woolly jumpers folded up just ripe for me to snuggle under and make a really snoozy nest.

Next thing I know, some sheets, freshly washed, are just rammed into the drawer right on top of me and it’s pushed shut. After an initial panic, I found that the warm cotton was very comfy. The drawer was dark and very calm, almost like my own therapeutic think-tank. I made myself extremely comfortable and dozed off. I was most annoyed to have my snooze disturbed by Maid continually calling me and pulling the bed away from the wall to see if I was on the carpet behind the bed where I usually go to sulk.

I just ignored her. That will teach her a lesson for her appallingly low standards of service today. She called me for hours, I could tell she was getting frantic about something but I just couldn’t be bothered to be social and meow back to her.

When the drawer was opened I was curled up tightly and kept my eyes firmly closed ignoring Maid completely in the hope that she would just go away, but she pulled me out of the drawer and shut it, her eyes were full of tears and she kept kissing me. For goodness sake I’ve only just been sleeping. So I wriggled free and plodded into my bedroom, where I jumped on my designer duvet to continue with my beauty sleep. When I awoke I managed to let a couple of cat kibbles slip down my delicate throat, but was rather put out that Dippi-Duck had climbed onto my bed and was standing next to me just shaking her head up and down as she does.

Maid’s version!

Madam went missing! When she wasn’t found in her usual haunts such as behind the bed in the back room, I became quite frantic assuming she had gone through the gate and got lost, she doesn’t really go out so has no orientation beyond the garden. After a few hours desperate searching and calling I even walked round the neighbourhoodlooking for her, but to no avail. I was heartbroken and very close to tears at the thought of not seeing her again, she had simply vanished. I wondered if she had been catnapped, but if she had been taken they would soon bring her back as she is such a picky princess to care for!

It was only much later that night as I was designing a poster with her photo to put on lamp posts in the hope that someone had seen her that I heard a muffled ‘snort’ that gave her hiding place away. She’d been shut in a drawer in the bed in the little bedroom with the spare sheets and jumpers.

She seemed most annoyed that her sleep had been disturbed and after begrudgingly let me kiss her, stomped off to her own bed for a jolly good sulk at being woken up turfed out of the drawer!!


The Very Best Toy for Cats

"Of all the [cat] toys available, none is better designed than the owner himself. A large multipurpose plaything, its parts can be made to move in almost any direction. It comes completely assembled, and it makes a noise when you jump on it."

Stephen Baker

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