The big ginger Gut-Truck is a thief. He likes to think of himself as a master criminal, when in fact he is just a low life opportunist.

It started as a kitten when he would ‘steal’ clean underwear from the laundry basket and wear it on his head as he trotted round Tom Cat Towers which made him look rather cute - apparently!

As he grew bigger, this looked rather perverse, an ungainly ginger cat loping round the place with a pair of frilly knickers on his head. So the human put a stop to it.

He steals other cat’s food as he slinks into their houses on lightening 'grub' raids. As he’s so big, other cats just back off and let him help himself. (They don’t realise what a soft wuss he is and should really stand up to him.)

He also brings home bits of dead wildlife that other cats have finished batting round. He scoops up their sad little corpses and brings them home for the human as love offerings in the hope that she'll be bowled over by his prowess in the hunting department. She can always tell from the condition and smell that they haven’t been freshly caught. He’s rather a con merchant really.

We have fish, newts and frogs in the pond. They are a source of amazement for the ginger twit who will watch them for hours or he’ll drink long and hard from the pond in an attempt to empty it and get at the fish. The human has a pot of pond sticks which she feeds the pond life on. She’s always grumbling how expensive these pond stick are, and how they seem to be evaporating from the pot at an alarming rate.

Today the ginger lout was unmasked as the pond stick thief of Old Tom Cat Towers!!

He has managed to find a knack of knocking the lid off the plastic tub with his fangs, exposing the little fish flavouredsticks to his drooling chops. The fact that he can open the tub shows some modicum of intelligence.

However, lacking in common sense, it never occurred to him to just sample one or two sticks and thus his theft would be undetected. Oh no, instead he threw them down his greedy fat neck with gay abandon causing the human to lie in wait and catch him in the act. She wasn't too pleased to find out who the culprit was, but judging by the long sigh, I think she had a good idea who the suspect was.

Pond sticks are now stored in the garage.

Willi’s version

Although food is in constant supply on demand here at Tom Cat Towers, there is always a frisson of delight at hunter gathering something not on the menu.

Like pond sticks. These appeared when the fish came for the pond and they taste delish!! Hopefully they make the fish taste of fish.

I spent many an idle hour chewing the plastic top as I snuffled the wonderful scent of the fish sticks from the tub until I learnt the trick of flipping it off and diving straight in to the stinky little fishy sticks. My human went ballistic when she caught me as I delicately nibbled one or two of the choice sticks. She’s now hidden them from me.


Five Good Reasons for Having Your Cat Neutered

  • Reduces fighting, injury and noise
  • Reduces spraying and smelling
  • Much less likely to wander and get lost
  • Safer from diseases like feline AIDS, mammary tumours and feline leukaemia
  • Reduces the number of unwanted kittens

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