It's a bright world to feel lost in by Mawson Bear‘It’s a bright world to feel lost in’ by Mawson Bear, the colourful blue cover with a smiling bear encircled with a yellow ring holding a large sunflower, and you just know that this book is going to make you smile.  Each page has a bright picture of a bear, with a caption.  Beginning with being found and having a new home, to feeling loss and sadness when the person goes off to school or university.  The sentiments echo the thoughts each one of us experiences when a loved one is not around for whatever reason.

This book made me smile.   This book made my heart sing.  This is a gentle book which children could read for themselves or parents or carers could read to a non-reading child with their own teddy bear sitting on their lap. However, it is not really a children’s book; grown- ups who are feeling a bit baffled by life and all its anomalies could – and should – read it for themselves.  It will make their hearts sing too and they will comfort in the short breezy captions.

One of my favourite captions is ‘That squeezy bit in the middle of a hug? That’s Home.’

This book is a reminder that all of us want to be loved and that sometimes, talking to a teddy bear can be the best thing in the world.  They don’t judge; they listen to all our secrets; and they’re there for us at the end of the day – what could be better than a furry confidante, who asks for nothing in return.  

Published in paperback and as an e-book by,, and the ISBN number is: 978-1-922200-44-0

For more information go to

One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)

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