All cat people are mad. 

Nicely mad. 

Admirably mad. 

Beautifully mad. 

Rationally mad. 

Bizarrely mad. 

Purposefully mad. 

But mad. 

Really mad. 

Worryingly mad.  

Self-deprecatingly mad. 

But mad.  

For good purpose. 

Which isn't mad. 

Neil McIntosh BVM&S MRCVS
Abbey Veterinary Group
Paisley and Greenock
Work 0141 887 4111




A Cats Purr

"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...

A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."

Roger A Caras

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