LeoI'm sorry I left you, I didn't mean to go
I was running and playing, I just didn't know
I've seen them and heard them, I didn't know what they are
I do remember you saying though,
Be safe, little boy, stay away from the cars.
It was over so quickly, I was on my way home
I wouldn't have gone near the road if only I'd known.
I'm in a different place now and everything's new
But whenever I want too I come and see you.

I was there by your side when you got out of bed,
I watched as you served breakfast with just one bowl instead
As you looked in the garden with a lonely stare
I ran through the grass, I did I was there
When you opened the fridge to make your tea
You passed down some chicken, you did for me
When you closed the front door, and stared at my chair
I gave you a wink and yawned, I was there.

Lucca and his puppy GracieWhen you come home from work I'm there as before
Purring and rolling around on the floor.
Last night when sitting and having your tea
When you felt your lap warm, yep, it was me.
And when the time comes, when you went off to bed
I was there and heard the things you said.
But please don't cry and feel so sad,
Be happy and grateful for the time we had. 

Our friendship and love will always be there,
Our memories and stories we will always share.
Be happy for me for the life I knew,
Happy and carefree because of you.
You loved me fully and took so much care,
My life was a blessing because you were there.
So be happy for me and smile with joy,
I will always be with you, your little boy.


Andrew de Burca Wyle – in memory of Lucca and Leo


In the Middle of a World...

"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."

Roseanne Anderson

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