I loved reading this book. 'Tigger: Memoirs of a Cosmopolitan Cat' by Susanne Haywood is the recollections of a cat who has taken the art of moving house to extremes; Australia, America, then back to Australia before finally settling in England. Small wonder then, that Tigger has a lot of anecdotes with which to entertain the reader!
In this true story, after a somewhat shaky start in life, Tigger goes to live with his human family at an early age. They're a restless bunch but he goes along with their habit of moving house on a regular basis, where they go so does Tigger and it's very clear that he is not just a pet but a valued family member.
The author does a wonderful job of writing from the cat's point of view. So much so that I did wonder if she spent some of her research time slinking around on her belly so that she could describe how Tigger sees his surroundings and the physical sensations a cat might feel in various situations! She takes the many facets of Tigger's personality and weaves them into a totally credible character. What's more he is a thoroughly modern male, not afraid to show his vulnerable side, but being a cat he manages to conquer every challenge that life throws at him; flying, quarantine, dogs, snakes, intruders and loud parties to name but a few. Tigger is also a real family man and assumes responsibility for the whole household of humans and animals especially 'his' children who he sees grow up to leave home and start their careers. By the time they settle down in England Tigger is into his teens and takes the onset of old age in his stride, still perfectly happy with his lot but content to roam a little less. This description of Tigger’s advancing years is a fine example of the author's extraordinary empathy with her cat.
This book is full of deep insight and wisdom with plenty of touches of Tigger's unique brand of gentle humour. Very readable and well written, I was sorry to reach the end. I recommend Tigger's story to anyone who loves cats or just enjoys a good family tale.
Published by Matador in paperback and on Kindle, the ISBN number is: 978-1784621216
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"Cats make one of the most satisfying sounds in the world: they purr ...
A purring cat is a form of high praise, like a gold star on a test paper. It is reinforcement of something we would all like to believe about ourselves - that we are nice."
Roger A Caras