
In this section you'll be able to read the previous year's Mewsletters. Because I've changed the look of the website and the editing package it would have taken me about 1,000 years to go through 10 year's worth of past Mewsletters and re do every single link. So if you're a new subscriber - and even if you've been with me for a while - please feel free to look back over last year's Mewsletters to get a taste of what you've missed. 

They are listed in date order, not category order, because each Mewsletter contains a veritable ton of information, so if you want a good read and a chuckle, you’ll just have to work your way down through each one.

Enjoy them! And if you want to receive a FREE monthly Mewsletter then please use the ‘subscribe to us’ link. 


Click here to read all the Mewsletters that were sent out this year


Click here to read all the Mewsletters that were sent out this year


Click here to read all the Mewsletter that were sent out this year


Five Good Reasons for Having Your Cat Neutered

  • Reduces fighting, injury and noise
  • Reduces spraying and smelling
  • Much less likely to wander and get lost
  • Safer from diseases like feline AIDS, mammary tumours and feline leukaemia
  • Reduces the number of unwanted kittens

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