Biggles in his pot of catnipCatnip is your feline’s drug of choice. From rolling in it to eating it, chances are that your cat is addicted to this kitty drug. Unlike most human drugs, catnip is safe for your kitty. So, go ahead and let your cat enjoy itself and get lost in a euphoric state of kitty bliss. However, if you are purchasing your catnip, it can get expensive especially if you have an out of control kitty addict on your hands. While we here at Crack For Kitty, offer the most potent catnip known to this universe, you might want to try something new this year and attempt to grow your own. How to grow catnip.

Scientifically known as Nepeta Cataria, the catnip plant is a perennial herb that originates from the mint family. Catnip can be grown from a seed, plant cuttings, or from a pre-started plant. If you are sowing your catnip plant from a seed then early spring is the time to start them. You can also start your catnip plant indoors. Catnip seeds take about 5 to 10 days to germinate. After the last frost date, you can transplant your new catnip plants outside.


What You Need To Know About Growing Catnip

§  USDA hardiness for perennial catnip is zones 3a through 9b.

§  Catnip plants like a well-drained average soil.

§  You can also use soilless mixes such as: vermiculite, coco peat, perlite and rockwool.

§  Catnip can be seeded right in the ground or raised in a pot.

§  While some plants need acidic soil and others alkaline, catnip plants do not seem to mind the pH of the soil. Any pH range from 6.1 (acidic) to 7.8 (alkaline) will do.

§  If you are planting your own catnip (and they didn’t seed themselves) be sure that you give each plant 15 to 18 inches of space.

§  Catnip prefers to be planted in full sunshine, however, catnip plants will grow in shady areas as well.

§  Catnip can grow to a height of 3 to 4 feet.

§  Water is essential for life, but do not over water your catnip plants. Allow the soil to go dry between soakings.

§  The catnip plant is sturdy against most diseases however, can be susceptible to spider and whitefly mites.

§  Most insects are repelled by the catnip plant with the exception of the good ones such as bees and butterflies.

Catnip grows like a weed (weed for cats) so be mindful where you plant it. Catnip self-seeds itself which means when the little white flowers appear it is beginning the self-seeding process. If you do not want it to spread, quickly get those white flowers off. However, no matter how vigilant you may be in your attempt to prevent spreading, the catnip will always find a way to spread.

With grateful thanks to for their permission to include their article on this website.


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