The 2015 Cat Calendar Competition is open to anyone who lives with a cat or cats.

Pilli and SassyYour photo should be like the ones in these examples – which just shows the subject – in the first case, two cats, Sassy and Pilli, and in the second example, Neville.

You will notice that there are no distractions in either photo. The cats are the focal point; there are no areas of rubbish to detract the eye.  

So please submit your photos in a similar vein to by 28 June 2014.

Twelve will be picked to go into a calendar which will be created and distributed by Dan Weiss. The chosen entrants will each get a free copy of the 2015 calendar. Additional copies will be available for a small sum.

Get snapping!!!

NevillePlease put 2015 cat calendar competition in the subject line of the email. Thank you.




One Cat is Company

"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy. 
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"

Shona Steele (Australia)

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