Charities & Rescue Centres

This section is dedicated to the various animal rehoming centres and animal welfare organisations, to highlight the work that they do, and to promote their ethics.

Many animal charities rely on the goodwill and generosity of the public and some have a sponsorship scheme whereby you sponsor an animal in their care. You pay an annual, or a monthly amount and in return receive an adoption certificate, updates and photos of your ‘pet’. The amount you send each month goes towards that animal’s feed, veterinary bills and general upkeep and care.

Some animal charities adopt a no-kill policy which means that many animals classified as unhomable pets are kept there for the duration of their lives. Many of these animals have been severely abused and have never known the loving touch of kindness until they come into the animal shelter.  

If you know of any organisation or rescue centre that would benefit from being given some publicity, please send details via the contact us link.  

Display # 
Title Published Date Author
A fight for survival by Louise Mudd 27 November 2014 Written by Pauline
A New Dawn, Deer Park, Texas 12 November 2018 Written by Earla Hollow
A Prayer for all the Street Kitties 30 March 2012 Written by S L Smith
AAAC- ASSOCIACAO AJUDA A ALIMENTAR CAES - Madeira 12 November 2015 Written by Joana Ribeiro
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary Utah (USA) 02 July 2005 Written by Ed Kostro
Calvert County Humane Society (USA) 25 December 2007 Written by Debbie Samler
Caring for Clarence 25 February 2010 Written by Chris Janes
Cats of Y2K 31 July 2015 Written by Mary Gerdt
Cats Protection (UK) 01 April 2005 Written by Pauline
Chaldon Animal Sanctuary (UK) 30 January 2009 Written by Pauline

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