Merry Christmas From Squirt  

Santa SquirtGreetings!

I’m afraid it’s such a long time since I scribbled for The Daily Mews, I must confess I’m almost embarrassed to be here.  I would ask you to forgive my absence but, as you know, a cat never asks forgiveness for anything!  Life has changed since I was last here, Staff and Manstaff got new jobs, we moved house and life has been very busy for the last few years.  I love my new home and now that I’m back, I’ll be telling you more about our life here and introducing my new four-legged friends.  But that’s for next year and the sooner 2021 comes, the happier we will all be!

I think the less said about 2020 the better.  Kitties, isn’t it hard work keeping our humans cheerful and sane through the Covid crisis?  I’m exhausted and I know you will be too, but I sincerely hope all your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.  Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case for Pauline, our dear leader fuhrer esteemed editor who is suffering from the virus.  I know you’ll all join me in sending her our very best wishes for a speedy recovery.  

SquirtHowever, despite the pandemic, Brexit and some deranged orange guy doing their best to wreck our year, Christmas is coming!  So, without further ado, I’ve penned (pawed?) a little poem for you!

What Do Kitties Want For Christmas?

What do kitties want for Christmas?
Some money or a new expensive hat?
I don’t want none of that
‘Cause I’m a cat.

What do kitties want for Christmas?
A superyacht? A fortnight on Capri?
I don’t want none of that
No use to me.

What do kitties want for Christmas?
A Rolex or a winning lottery ticket?
I don’t want none of that
So, you can stick it.

What do kitties want for Christmas?
Food demands adhered to, to the letter?
Now that I’d like because
It’s so much better.

What do kitties want for Christmas?
Some tuna or some chicken for our dinner?
I won’t say no to that
‘Cause it’s a winner!

What do kitties want for Christmas?
A catnip toy? A window with a view?
I’d say “yes please” to them
I like those too.

But what do kitties really want for Christmas?
Good health for all, a peaceful life, some games
We love our humans and our happy lives
We’d just like everything
To stay the same!

=^..^=   =^..^=  =^..^=


Squirt doing his yoga movesNow all that remains is for me to leave you with the promise that I’ll be back next year with more news and scribblings for you.  And to wish you all a very happy Christmas, good health and happiness for the New Year.  I hope all your Christmas wishes come true!

With love from Squirt

A Cats Prayer

Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.


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