Ollie - 4 months old - begins his new life!Monday 23rd December 2002

Today, life changed forever as I knew it when I was shoved in my carrying basket and taken to a pet shop and dumped. I didn’t know my name and I cried for ages because I didn’t know where I was or when my dinner was coming, or even if I was going to get any dinner.

The PetShopMan was very nice to me and gave me some dinner but I still kept crying because I was scared and didn’t know if I would be getting any supper.

Late in the afternoon, a lady came to look at me and decided to take me home. I was still crying but she didn’t seem to mind. When we got to her house she opened the carrying basket and gently lifted me out. She had lots of other cats and some of them came up to me, sniffed me and then spat at me. But one, a nice old one who I later found out was called Garfield, said ‘hello’ to me and I thought things might work out ok. All her other cats are really, really big and I feel very little and a bit scared of them.

I was given some dinner and shown where the litter tray was and then I was given a tour of the house. When the lady wanted to go to bed, I was taken to the bathroom, with my bed, some toys, some more dinner and water, and the litter tray and then it went dark for a very long time. I cried for a very long time too.

Tuesday, 24th December 2002

This morning, the lady took me up to the vets to see if I was in good health and to see how old I might be.  A nice lady vet had a look at my teeth and said I was probably about 4 months old, and wasn’t I a little cutie. She looked in my ears, my eyes, and up my bum for some strange reason. I was SO embarrassed I started crying again. But the new lady who was looking after me said it was all right and I was a good boy and not to worry because everything was going to be all right.

It was all right for a few minutes and then the lady vet who I thought was nice stuck a long needle in my neck which wasn’t very nice at all. Then I had to get back in the carrying basket again and we went home. I slept all day and then ate a lot of dinner.

Some of the cats still spit at me or try to hit me but the nice one, Garfield, he says hello and asks me if I am settling in all right and if I am happy yet as I am always crying.

Wednesday, 25th December 2002

I had to spend a very long time in the bathroom today as something was called Christmas Day and the nice lady I live with was out for absolutely hours. I did have lots of things to do in the bathroom, I had all my toys there, and my bed, and of course, dinner and some sweeties. But I found a really good way of passing the time. I tried to dig an escape tunnel from the bathroom into the kitchen! It took me hours but all I managed to do was to make a little hole in the floor covering.

I knew that Mum (I decided to call her ‘Mum’ now as I’ve heard the others calling her that) must have been impressed with my paw work because when she came and got me from the bathroom, I heard something like ‘Oh plums and custard’ and she went quite white.  She obviously thought my little hole in the floor was really good because she rang up the PetShopMan and told him. 

Thursday, 26th December 2002

I had to spend even longer in the bathroom today as something was called Boxing Day and Mum went off for what seemed liked y-e-a-r-s today. Once again, I had all my home comforts with me but I spent the day trying to improve on yesterday’s paw work. I was quite impressed let me tell you! The little hole is now much bigger and looks a little bit like Humpty Dumpty.

I’m a bit concerned as to whether Mum is food obsessive as she said ‘plums and custard again’ when she saw it. I smiled my best smile but she went white and rang the PetShopMan again.

Friday, 27th December 2002

Didn’t want any breakfast, lunch or dinner. Just lay on the sofa all day. Mum thinks it’s her fault but she doesn’t know I ate some of the bathroom flooring and I feel sick. Garfield came and sat with me. He’s very kind. He washed me all over and smiled at me. Sometimes you just need a smile to feel better.

Peed on the cushion but no one noticed.

Wednesday, 1st January 2003

Stayed up very late last night as something was called New Year’s Eve. At midnight, she gave us all a big kiss and said ‘Happy Mew Year Boys!’ and then the sirens on the river went and all the fireworks went on for ages.  Had to sit on Mum’s lap when the fireworks began. I was scared. Garfield, Charlie, Billy, Timmy, Ricky and Sam were all squished on the sofa next to Mum, but I was lucky, I was on her lap.

I’ve only been here for a week but I think I like it. Timmy kissed me as well so I have two friends now, and Mum, of course, though I’m seriously worried about her obsession with food. She seems to say ‘Plums and Custard’ a lot.

Tuesday, 7th January 2003

My world changed again today when Mum and PetShopMan took me to see another lady. I cried a lot and didn’t want to go. Mum said she’d be back very soon and I was to be a good boy and eat all my dinner but she didn’t mention whether I’d be getting breakfast, lunch or supper.

The new lady is quite nice and talks to me and tells me I’m a handsome little chappie and what a little cutie I am. There are other cats in different houses next to me and they’re all sad too because their Mums have gone away and left them here and some of them have been treated badly and are looking for new homes with nicer people. 

The new lady leaves the radio on for us which is quite nice and she comes up to see us quite a lot during the day. Surprisingly, we are all given breakfast, lunch, dinner AND supper, so perhaps it’s not all bad here.

Thursday, 15th January 2003

Had a lovely surprise today. Mum came for me and she isn’t white anymore. She’s been on something called a holiday. She gave me loads of kisses and cuddles. I missed her but I’ve made a few friends here, at this cat hotel. Said my goodbyes to everyone and went off home with Mum. I hope they all get their new homes soon. I told them my story and they’re pleased for me the way things have turned out.  

When I got home, Mum let me out of the basket. After being away for a week, I expected a huge fanfare and party streamers to welcome me back but everyone was asleep. ‘I’m B-A-C-K!!!!!!!!!!!!!’ I yelled at the top of my voice. Not even a whisker twitched.

I leapt on Timmy who was asleep on Mum’s bed. I wrestled him while he slept and then he turned and whacked me with his left paw.  No one seem pleased to see me so I went back downstairs to Mum who was fixing our dinner. She picked me up and kissed me. She always knows what to do to make me feel good. Went to sit on the sofa.  Peed on the cushion again.

In the Middle of a World...

"In the middle of a world that has always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence."

Roseanne Anderson

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