Oh dear.
You may remember last entry my tummy was rumbling so much? Well, it is rumbling even more now.
I returned to You Know Where and had to step back on that funny white thing and told to "keep still!" (multiple times) while they clocked the figures on the side. I'd gained some more weight! Goodness knows how, but there you go. Mum was told to feed me just HALF a pouch a day along with an extra dose of the biscuits.
What a performance! Mum had to keep the opened pouch in that funny white cupboard with the light that gets cold inside (not the super cold cupboard, but the one in between that and the "normal" cupboards), and to make sure my food was at the correct temperature, she had to drizzle some warm water on it to heat it up before I could eat it. What a fuss.
Anyway, to cheer her up, I decided we both needed a diversion from our stress, so I brought in a nice live mouse for us both to have fun with. Big mistake. After 20 minutes, Mum was frazzled out trying to catch the mouse, so I caught it for her - then promptly got pushed out the front door with instructions to "GET RID OF IT!!!!" I returned home 20 minutes later with the same mouse which had expired in between time, and proudly gave it to Mum. Why do you humans dislike the gifts we bring home to you so much? It was in that big black wheelie thingy in the garden before I could miaow.
I returned to place with the funny white thing last Saturday and I'd still gained weight (not as much, thank goodness, but still gained). After a lot of talking between Mum and the Nurse, the upshot was - no more pouch. It seems the Nurse can't judge amounts well if pouches get in the way, so it's just the biscuits now. They aren't that bad, and really do fill you up nicely (and Mum is very good about remembering clean water for me too), but I used to really enjoy my pouch meat.
Still, mustn't grumble - my tummy is doing that for me!
Oh yes - we both want to wish you all a very happy (belated) Easter, and we hope that none of you (human or especially furry) ate too much of that funny egg shaped brown stuff that seems to be everywhere for that weekend.
"One cat is company.
Two cats are a conspiracy.
Three cats is an attempted takeover.
Four or more cats is a complete coup!"
Shona Steele (Australia)