Can you believe it? In one more week we’ll be sitting down to our Christmas dinners, then flopped out on the sofa, Grandpa doing silent farts and hoping no-one notices, while Dad is less discreet and lets them go at will, blaming the poor dog. Another year has almost passed us by. I am not going to get political and mention things; this is a cat website after all. But the year has seen some terrible tragedies and atrocities, while in the midst of chaos, there are those who step up to the plate and bring calmness to the scenes around them. Angels, real or heavenly, they bridge the gap between madness and serenity. Thank God for them.
I thank all of you for sticking with me throughout the turmoil of computers going bust, of email providers not providing, and with just the general melee that seems to have surrounded me this year. It’s not over yet and surgery is on the horizon. I’m hoping I can get past and over Christmas because I don’t want to spoil anyone’s Christmas – and besides, I’m the cook!
When I look back over the year, I remember with huge fondness the kindness shown me by those of you who live halfway across the world. We’re never likely to meet, but we’re family – and that’s special. And you can’t mess with family! Our love of all things feline is what drew us together, and my love of cats plus my fondness for writing is what keeps The Daily Mews website going, that and my amazing team of incredible writers.
There were a few times during the year when I wondered if I should carry on. My health has been a bit hit and miss this year and it’s a struggle sometimes to meet my own deadlines. But then, out of the blue, I’ll get an email from someone who tells me that they love the Mewsletter and I have another reason to carry on.
Thank you to all of you who’ve stayed the course; who write words of encouragement from time to time – YOU are what makes this – this website – all worthwhile.
Casey, Gibbs and I (and their Dad) would like to wish each and every single one of you and your feline families, a humongously happy Christmas and may God bless you throughout 2018.
Huge thanks to Aoife McCann for her drawing of a mischievous cat peeping out of the Christmas tree.
"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."
"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."
Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)