A homeless puss has become the latest police recruit after being adopted by staff at a British Transport Police station.
On paw patrol – puss Tizer is police station’s latest recruit!
Tizer – or PC Tizer as he is now known – has moved into his new home at the station in London’s Kings Cross after previously being cared for by the charity, Cats Protection.
Whilst his human counterparts pound the beat outside the station, PC Tizer will be responsible for patrolling the building to keep it free of rodents.
The 13-year-old tabby has free access to all parts of the three-storey building including the debriefing room, mess room and reception area – and shares an office with a senior officer.
PC Tizer came into Cats Protection’s North London adoption centre after his previous owner died and soon caught the eye of the long arm of the law.
Inspector Roy Sloane, of British Transport Police, was the police officer responsible for enlisting Tizer into his new role as Chief Mouser at the police station.
Cats Protection Adoption Centre Acting Deputy Manager Alex Davies explained: “It may not be the typical home, but PC Tizer is such a sociable cat we knew he would like to be in a bustling environment.
“He loves being around people, and likes nothing more than playing fetch with his toy spider. He has obviously charmed the socks off all the officers as he is already very popular among staff.
“Roy has overall responsibility for him, but he is spoilt rotten by all the officers. He shares Roy’s office, so he has got rather a senior position within the station.”
Inspector Sloane said that since PC Tizer’s arrival, there has been no sign of the previously large mouse population.
He said: “PC Tizer is already an essential member of the team. Since we got him we haven’t seen any mice in the building at all. He doesn’t catch them, but he must be scaring them away just by being there.
“Prior to his arrival we were spending a fortune on pest control and it wasn’t really working. That’s initially why I decided a cat would be a good idea, but then it occurred to me it would be great for staff morale too.
“Everyone is always asking after him, and he is probably the most popular member of staff. As well as being a good boost to morale, he does help de-stress staff on particularly hectic days, so he definitely earns his keep.
“The station is manned 24 hours a day, so Tizer gets plenty of fuss and attention. But he also shares his office with me so he can go in there and unwind when he’s off duty.”
Lead me down all the right paths,
Keep me from fleas, bees, and baths.
Let me in should it storm,
Keep me safe, fed, and warm.