I recently read a wonderful Christmas book entitled Oliver: The Cat Who Saved Christmas. It also got me thinking of some other sweet Christmas themed books with cats in them, of course.

Sammy with Oliver bookOliver the Cat Who Saved Christmasby Sheila Norton was published in 2015, it is an excellent story about a cat that manages to bring everyone in a small village exactly what they need including jobs and companionship. I love how everything came together at the end and found this an uplifting book. I will warn those like myself that cry easily, there is one spot where Oliver tells of his past that is sad.

Oliveris available on Amazon in the US and the UK. ISBN #: 978-178503351

Kindle editions are also available.

Released in 2012, The Cat Who Came Back for Christmas: How a Cat Brought a Family the Gift of Love by Julia Romp is a true story. It is about how a cat helps an autistic boy to open up, but then the cat goes missing. You can tell from the title how it is going to end - happily.

This book is also available on Amazon in the US and UK, although it is listed as out-of-stock in the UK at the moment. A Kindle version is available in the US.

ISBN #: 978-0452298781

Carvel The Christmas Cat by John S. Littell was published in 2003. It is the fictional story of an injured kitten that is rescued by a 6-year-old girl and her older brother. It does start out sad with the poor kitten being cold and hurt, but once again we get a happy ending with some laughs thrown in.

Carvelis available on Amazon in the US and UK, but only from used sellers. ISBN:


There is no Kindle version

Polar BearAnd last, but not least is my all-time favourite Christmas story. The Cat Who Came for Christmas by Cleveland Amory published in 1987. I not only love this book, but I idolize the author, Cleveland Amory (1917-1998). He was an animal rights activist who helped rescue many animals. In this one he tells of a stray cat that showed up one Christmas. I even named my cat Polar Bear after his cat. There were 2 other books about his beloved Polar Bear and all 3 are in one book titled, The Compleat Cat.

There are several versions available on Amazon in the US and UK. No Kindle versions though. ISBN # 978-0552164108

I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and good health and muchhappiness in 2017. And don’t forget to include your kitty in the festivities because cats love Christmas too (especially the gifts).







Five Good Reasons for Having Your Cat Neutered

  • Reduces fighting, injury and noise
  • Reduces spraying and smelling
  • Much less likely to wander and get lost
  • Safer from diseases like feline AIDS, mammary tumours and feline leukaemia
  • Reduces the number of unwanted kittens