Temptation – oh the temptation. But I am a “lover” not a fighter...

Hi all, Stormy here.


Well I kept my New Year’s resolutions that I made to myself.

I don’t know how you’re doing on all the challenges you probably listed and dreaded but I have conquered most of my goals.

I have overcome my reticence of breakfast cereals with almond milk. Chocolate candy, tea with milk and sugar, tacos, pizza sauce and sausage meat (don’t like the cheese), donuts, lick-m-aid sugar (any flavour on a lolly), ginger biscotti dunked in tea, cold eggs, potato salad sauce, oh yeah - crab meat — oh crab meat – more – more - more please more with butter and last but by no means my future last, French fries (salt. grease and crunch from the ends).

Say do any of you like to chew on wood sticks, chopsticks, or shish kebab sticks and wooden stir sticks? I just love them. I even get on the counter to steal them. Once the end is chewed up then I don’t want them anymore. Ham said it’s like chewing on pencils in school.

Ham & KEYs have been bringing in bowls of snow for us three to enjoy. Tristan is an ice cube lover. Give him a big bowl of ice cubes and he is in heaven. Go figure, he also loves fresh and dried dill fronds and diet lemon ice tea. Of course KEYs doesn’t call him “Butterball” like she does me either. He is Mister Lean and Graceful and is too snooty to indulge in any of my New Year’s resolutions (+ Oh yeah, cranberry cream cheese on homemade cinnamon toast). Garfield is my kind of Gato.

I think Tweetie has had a brain bang. She has actually gone up and snuggled with Ham as he is watching TV. Tweets then catches herself after about five minutes, hisses and bites and leaves with a jump. But hey, that is a miracle. Considering she would bite and/or scratch anyone after being abused by that bullyboy at the foundling house, except KEYs, who she adores and trusted from the get-go.

Ham and Keys voted for thedailymews.com at about.com  hope you all do too.

You better too.


Ms Pauline deserves the high-spot after 10 years of putting up with the likes of ME and YOU.

KEYs is bringing out her M&M Valentines’ day collection and I have been good. Temptation – oh the temptation. But I am a “lover” not a fighter. (Tristan and Tweetie would beg to differ on that count). I sleep half the night on KEYs and the other on Ham (he pets and scratches in his sleep - oh how wonderful -all the action - none of the requirements). So all of you do something nice for Valentines’’ day (vote for Pauline).

Kiss your lovers, high five your friends and be giving in these tough times.

I’ve got to go now. Tweetie is looking at something in the patio. Mice or bunnies for our entertainment I suppose, As “tom-cat” (Tom and Jerry) says “I love those ‘ meeeces’ to pieces”.

Let me know what is good for Valentine’s Day and think about St. Patty’s and Mardi Gras.

Ta Ta




Dogs Come when Called

"Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you."

"Of course, every cat is really the most beautiful woman in the room."

Edward Verrall Luca (essayist)